NFT Marketing with Markopolo

Rubaiyat F.
4 min readMar 27, 2022


Markopolo lets creators simply plug in their creative and budget, and Markopolo runs their advertising campaign using the best strategies from Google and Facebook.

What’s NFT?

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets. When you purchase an NFT, the record of your ownership is recorded on a blockchain. Blockchains are like digital ledgers. If you buy a house, the deed of ownership will be stored in the County Records Office. But for a digital asset, we need a digital records office — and that’s what a blockchain can do for NFTs.

Let’s look at traditional baseball cards. If I have a baseball card for a certain player and you have a card for a different player, they don’t necessarily have the same value. So if I give you my card and you give me yours, we are not necessarily as good or as bad as before, because one card can be rare and the other one can be more common. So they’re not fungible. They’re not immediately interchangeable.

On the other hand, let’s say you have one share of Microsoft stock, I have another one. If I give you my token and you give me yours, we are equally fine. It’s fungible, it is exchangeable.

NFTs do have a real-world footprint. There’s an operation cost, called a gas fee, which is the cost of the energy needed to run the blockchain where NFTs are housed. Kind of like how the property taxes people pay fund the public services that maintain their home ownership.

How to advertise NFT?

Advertising of Blockchain based products are complicated!

That’s a generalized statement, which is not true. Yes, you need to fill in some additional forms to get your licensing to promote your Blockchain based product; But, it’s not an uphill that you can not climb.

I’ll be giving you a roadmap to approach NFT advertising in rest of this article, Let’s start!

I’m guessing you’re familiar with NFT creation(Minting and rest of the processes), if you’re not, don’t fret, here is an article link for Getting Started to make your First NFT!

Great! Now, you’ve a NFT in your hand! And you want to sell it as soon as possible with a highest bid! How can we achieve that?

Platforms available for you to advertise your NFT -

You can advertise your NFT through

  1. Facebook (Don’t Need Written Permission)
  2. Instagram (Don’t Need Written Permission)
  3. Twitter Ads (Need Written Permission)
  4. Influencer Marketing (Tiktok)
  5. Community Marketing (Discord)
  6. Demand Side Platforms (Don’t Need Written Permission)

NFT Advertising in Facebook & Instagram

Facebook Guideline

Facebook and Instagram’s parent company Meta has specific guidelines for all blockchain based financial products. You can find it from here.

Now, for others except NFT, you need to have prior written permission as per Facebook’s guidelines. For NFT, you don’t need that.

So, include Facebook and Instagram in your NFT Marketing Plan. Start with launching a small video(<10s) to warm up your Audience. Then create a lookalike Audience to target those who have seen atleast a portion of that video. These will give you a head-start. If you want pre-built audiences made for you, you can just sign up at Markopolo and go to audience presets to select from all the AI built audiences.

Now you’ve created Audience, what about the content for your NFT Ad! Markopolo helps you with AI generated targeted Ad copies, moreover, you can generate ad creatives too in Markopolo!

Finally, it’s time to launch your Ad Campaign with Markopolo’s Campaign Maker! Let’s see how this works -

NFT Advertising in Twitter Ads

Twitter needs prior permission to promote NFT at the Platform. You can visit this link to get the prior permission to get started. Twitter is a good place to promote NFT, as it has the highest density of potential NFT buyers out of all the platforms available.

There is also a workaround, promote your personal account instead, and don’t mention about Crypto, Blockchain, NFT related words in your Bio.

Instead promote your profile like
‘Web-3 Creator/Web-3 Influencer/Web-3 Designer’ and attach a portfolio link in your Bio(Don’t attach OpenSea or any type of Crypto website) in it.
Gather around the followers and then post organic tweets about your NFT project to the targeted audience.

Get more tips like these from Markopolo’s Suggestion Engine ‘Nucleus’.

These will be all for part 1, I’ll be covering tips and tricks of advertising NFT in all the rest of the Platforms in the next part.



Rubaiyat F.

Marketer, Product Guy, COO at Markopolo ai; Simplifying Marketing for Businesses!