Chat GPT is not an Real A.I

Rubem Tavares
11 min readJul 1, 2024


The rise of technology has brought us Chat GPT, a language model that has caught everyone’s attention. But is it really the true AI we’ve been expecting, or just a clever trick? Let’s look closer at what Chat GPT can do and what it can’t. Is it a real AI, or just pretending to be one?

Key Takeaways

  • Chat GPT is a narrow AI technology, not a true artificial general intelligence (AGI).
  • Compared to powerful, general-purpose AI systems, Chat GPT has significant limitations in its capabilities.
  • Understanding the distinction between narrow AI and AGI is crucial for assessing the true nature of Chat GPT.
  • The future of AI lies in the pursuit of AGI, which remains an elusive goal for researchers and developers.
  • Exploring the foundations of modern AI systems, including machine learning and deep learning, can shed light on the true nature of Chat GPT.

Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a fascinating area of study for many years. It has caught the attention of scientists, tech experts, and the public. At its heart, AI is about making computer systems that can do tasks that usually need human smarts, like learning, solving problems, and making decisions.

The Distinction between Narrow AI and Artificial General Intelligence

There are two main types of AI: narrow AI and artificial general intelligence (AGI). Narrow AI is for systems that are super good at certain tasks, like playing chess, recognizing pictures, or translating languages. They’re great at what they do but can’t learn or solve problems in many different areas.

Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the big goal of AI. It’s about making a system that can learn and solve problems in many areas, just like a human. AGI systems would be able to adapt and use their knowledge in new situations. While narrow AI has made big strides, creating true AGI is a huge challenge for scientists and researchers.

Knowing the difference between narrow AI and AGI helps us understand what AI can and can’t do today. It also helps us guess what big advances or challenges might come next in AI.

Why Chat GPT is not a Real A.I. Comparing to Real Power A.I.

Chat GPT has become very popular in the AI world lately. Many think it’s the top AI tech. But, looking closer, we see it’s not as advanced as some other AI types.

Chat GPT is different from true, advanced AI because of artificial general intelligence (AGI). AGI means an AI can do any task a human can, not just one specific job. Chat GPT is more like narrow AI, great at language but not as versatile as AGI.

Real AI is not just a big language model like Chat GPT. It uses machine learning models and deep learning to solve complex problems. These systems can do more than just language tasks. They can solve problems, reason, and make decisions in many areas.

True AI also learns and gets better over time. Chat GPT can’t learn new things on its own. It only knows what it was trained on.

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“Chat GPT may be impressive, but it is a narrow AI system with significant limitations compared to the powerful, general AI systems that are currently in development.”

The difference between Chat GPT and real AI will matter more as AI gets better. Chat GPT is a big step in language tech, but we need to see its limits. We should also look forward to the real, powerful AI that’s coming.

The Capabilities and Limitations of Chat GPT

Chat GPT has amazed the world with its advanced language skills. It’s a narrow AI system great at tasks like writing text, answering questions, and even coding. But, it’s important to know what Chat GPT can and can’t do, especially when it comes to general smarts and flexibility.

Exploring the Nature of Language Models

Chat GPT is a deep learning model trained on a huge amount of text. This training lets it understand language well, so it can give smart answers. Language models like Chat GPT are great at natural language processing and machine learning. They’re key in the artificial intelligence world.

Chat GPT is really good at understanding and answering questions in natural language. It uses its big knowledge base for this. It’s perfect for chatbots, creating content, and even writing code. But, remember, Chat GPT is a narrow AI system. It’s made for specific language tasks, not for being a general AI.

  • Chat GPT is great at natural language processing and generation, making it good at talking and understanding.
  • Its success comes from its deep learning and training on lots of text.
  • Even with its amazing skills, Chat GPT can’t adapt or be as smart as artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Chat GPT shows us how far we’ve come in artificial intelligence, but also the challenges we face. As we keep exploring AI, like language models, it’s important to understand what they really can and can’t do.

Artificial General Intelligence: The Ultimate Goal

The goal of artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the top aim in AI research. It’s different from current AI systems like Chat GPT, which focus on one thing. AGI wants to make machines think and act like humans, learning and solving problems in many areas.

AGI means making AI systems understand and get information, not just process data. These advanced AI models would learn new things, adapt to new situations, and think deeply.

Getting to AGI would change AI forever. It would be much smarter and more flexible than today’s AI, which is great at one thing. AGI could solve complex problems and adapt to new situations. This could lead to huge advances in science, technology, and our understanding of the world.

Machine Learning Models and Deep Learning

In the fast-changing world of artificial intelligence, two key technologies are crucial: machine learning models and deep learning. These tools are changing how we tackle complex problems. They open new doors in areas like understanding language, recognizing images, and more.

The Foundations of Modern AI Systems

Machine learning models are key to many AI systems. They let computers learn from data and make predictions or decisions on their own. Models like linear regression and decision trees help narrow AI systems, such as Chat GPT, work well. But, they’re made for specific tasks and don’t have the deep understanding needed for true artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Deep learning is a part of machine learning that helps build more advanced AI. It uses artificial neural networks, to learn complex patterns in data. These networks can handle a lot of information, making them great for tasks in natural language, bussines ,computer vision, and speech recognition.

Chat GPT and similar models are amazing at what they do, like creating text that sounds human. But they’re not the same as true artificial intelligence. They don’t have the deep understanding needed for a system to be considered “real” AI, unlike the potential of deep learning and neural networks.

As we explore what’s possible with artificial intelligence, knowing the tech behind it is key. Understanding machine learning and deep learning helps us create smarter systems. These systems can adapt, reason, and solve problems in ways beyond what current AI can do.

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The rise of conversational AI and chatbots is changing the AI world fast. These systems use natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning to talk like humans. They show us how AI could change how we interact with technology.

Chat GPT, made by OpenAI, leads this change. It can understand and respond like a human, which is impressive. But, it’s not the same as the advanced AI scientists dream of making.

Chat GPT and similar AI focus on one thing: talking and answering questions. They’re not meant to think like humans or solve complex problems. They’re great at what they do but lack the deep thinking of advanced AI.

These chatbots rely a lot on the data they learn from and the technology behind them. They don’t think on their own or understand the world like humans do. Their answers come from the data they were trained on, which might have biases.

We need to be realistic about what conversational AI and chatbots can do. They’re great for making things easier for us and helping with tasks. But, they’re not the same as the advanced AI scientists are aiming for.

Feature Conversational AI Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Scope Narrow, focused on specific tasks Broad, capable of a wide range of cognitive abilities Autonomy Heavily dependent on training data and models Autonomous, self-aware, and capable of independent reasoning Reasoning Limited to pattern recognition and language processing Comprehensive understanding, abstract reasoning, and problem-solving Adaptability Constrained by their training and programming Flexible and able to adapt to new situations and challenges

As AI keeps evolving, we’ll see more differences between conversational AI and the big goals of AGI. Knowing what these systems can and can’t do helps us make AI that’s good for everyone.

Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks

At the core of advanced language models like Chat GPT, we find a powerful mix of natural language processing (NLP) and neural networks. These technologies let machines understand, analyze, and create text that sounds like human speech with great accuracy.

NLP is a branch of AI that deals with how computers and humans talk to each other. It helps machines to get, change, and make human language. Neural networks are models that learn from lots of data, just like our brains do. They can make decisions and learn new things.

Unveiling the Technologies Behind Chat GPT

Chat GPT, made by OpenAI, shows how NLP and neural networks can make advanced language models. It uses a special kind of neural network called a transformer. Transformers are great at handling text because they understand the order and meaning of words.

  • The transformer setup lets Chat GPT get the context and meaning of language, not just the words.
  • By learning from a huge amount of text, Chat GPT knows a lot about language. This lets it answer a lot of different questions well.
  • But, Chat GPT is not a true artificial general intelligence (AGI). It’s a narrow AI made just for talking in language. It doesn’t have the wide intelligence or thinking needed for AGI.

As we keep improving machine learning and deep learning, the tech behind Chat GPT will get even better. For now, it shows us the power of combining NLP and neural networks for smart chatbots.

The Future of AI: Challenges and Opportunities

Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing fast, bringing both exciting chances and big challenges. The main aim is to make artificial general intelligence (AGI), which would be as smart as humans in many areas. Yet, current AI, like Chat GPT, is still narrow, focusing on one thing at a time.

Working towards AGI offers both upsides and downsides. On the plus side, AGI could change the game in science, medicine, and saving the planet. But, making a system as smart as us is a huge challenge.

  • Improving machine learning and deep learning is key to AGI, but there are big technical issues.
  • We need to think carefully about the ethics of making and using very smart AI to make sure it’s good for us.
  • We must study and deal with the good and bad effects of AGI to use it for the better.

Despite the hurdles, the future of AI is full of promise. Advances in understanding language, seeing images, and robots could change healthcare, education, and the environment. But, we need to keep working on AI responsibly and understand its ethical sides.

Challenges Opportunities

  • Technical hurdles in achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI)
  • Ethical considerations surrounding the development and deployment of AI systems
  • Potential societal risks and unintended consequences of advanced AI
  • Breakthroughs in scientific research, medical diagnostics, and sustainability
  • Transformative advancements in fields like healthcare, education, and environmental protection
  • Leveraging the power of AI to solve humanity’s most pressing problems

We must understand the good and bad sides of artificial intelligence as we move forward. By using AI’s potential while tackling its ethical and social issues, we can make a better future. This technology can improve our lives and help us solve big problems.


Chat GPT is a big step in artificial intelligence, but it’s not the full artificial general intelligence (AGI) we’ve hoped for. It’s great at understanding and generating human-like language. Yet, it can’t yet match the true general intelligence that can handle many different tasks and challenges.

We’ve seen how narrow AI, like Chat GPT, is different from the ultimate AGI goal. AGI would think, solve problems, and adapt like a human. To get closer to AGI, we need to keep improving machine learning models and neural networks. This journey is tough but important.

Our look at AI and Chat GPT’s role shows us the big steps forward in technology. We see AI’s potential to change industries, solve big problems, and make our lives better. But, we must keep pushing forward with research, innovation, and understanding AI’s limits.

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What is the difference between narrow AI and artificial general intelligence (AGI)?

Narrow AI is made to be great at certain tasks. AGI aims for a system that can learn and solve problems in many areas, like humans do.

Why is Chat GPT not considered a real AI system?

Chat GPT is great at understanding and creating human-like text. But it’s not a true AI because it can’t learn or solve problems in many areas. That’s what real AI aims for.

What are the limitations of Chat GPT compared to real power AI systems?

Chat GPT is only trained for language tasks. It can’t adapt or understand the world like humans do. It also can’t solve problems in many areas, which is what real AI aims for.

How do language models like Chat GPT work, and what are their inherent limitations?

Language models like Chat GPT learn from lots of text to understand patterns and create text. They’re great at language tasks but can’t really understand the world or solve general problems, unlike true AI.

What is the ultimate goal of AI research, and how does it differ from the capabilities of Chat GPT?

AI research aims for artificial general intelligence (AGI) — a system that learns, reasons, and solves problems in many areas. This is different from Chat GPT’s narrow skills.

How do machine learning models and deep learning underpin the development of AI systems like Chat GPT?

AI systems like Chat GPT use machine learning and deep learning. These help make AI systems good at certain tasks. But they don’t meet the needs for true general intelligence.

What is the role of conversational AI and chatbots, and how do they compare to the goals of artificial general intelligence?

Conversational AI and chatbots, like Chat GPT, use tech to talk with people. They’re useful for certain tasks but can’t understand or reason like humans. They lack the wide intelligence needed for true AI.

What are the key technologies behind Chat GPT, and how do they contribute to its capabilities and limitations?

Chat GPT uses natural language processing and neural networks to understand and create text. These techs help it for specific tasks. But they don’t give it the wide intelligence needed for true AI.

What are the challenges and opportunities in the future development of artificial general intelligence (AGI)?

Making AGI is hard and raises big questions. But it could change society a lot. Researchers are working to improve AI and think about its impact and responsible use.

