Ruben Ferreira Duarte
Ruben Ferreira Duarte

Ruben Ferreira Duarte is a Portuguese Lead Product Designer, born in Setúbal and currently living in Lisbon (Portugal).

Designer almost every hour of the day and Lead Product Designer at Bliss Applications and bank Santander in Portugal, most of the days. Ruben is a self-confessed lover of asking lots of questions, but he has a very bad time dealing with any kind of messy things, especially if they are on his desk.

Furthermore, in your spare time (the ones you have left when you are not traveling), it is also author of DXD, a blog in Portuguese that works above all as a space for reflection and sharing about digital in general and design in particular and he is also teacher in the fields of User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI) and Product Design.

Medium member since March 2020
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Ruben Ferreira Duarte

Ruben Ferreira Duarte

Friend of Medium

Hi. My name is Ruben Ferreira Duarte and I am a portuguese UX/UI Designer, currently living in Lisbon (Portugal).