Ruben Hampton
3 min readJan 6, 2015

Top Facts About Ringing Ears and Treatment Methods

If your ears are constantly ringing then you have a condition that is known as ‘tinnitus’. This can be a highly frustrating experience and is something that can even negatively impact on your quality of life by causing a constant distraction that even makes it difficult to get to sleep.

But when it comes to combating any condition — including finding a way to stop ringing ears — the best weapon is knowledge. Read on then and we will look at some of the top facts about ringing ears that can help you to start finding a cure.

#1 Tinnitus is simply the name for ringing ears

Many people think that tinnitus is an illness but this is incorrect. Tinnitus is literally the word for ringing ears which is usually a symptom rather than a condition in and of itself. Thus the cause of tinnitus and the correct ringing ears treatment will vary greatly from case to case.

#2 Tinnitus can come in two forms

There are two types of tinnitus. One is ‘objective tinnitus’ and the other is ‘subjective tinnitus’. Objective means that the tinnitus is actually the result of a genuine noise that can be heard by a third party — which is to say that if a doctor listened in to your ear then would be able to hear the same sound you could. Usually this sound is not a ringing however but rather a clicking, ‘whooshing’ or pulsating noise which will generally be the result of blood pumping through the vein too strongly or a muscle contracting in the ear.

Subjective tinnitus meanwhile is tinnitus that isn’t caused by an actual external noise but is instead generated inside your brain or by the nerve itself.

#3 Objective tinnitus only accounts for 5% of cases

Objective tinnitus is far less common than subjective tinnitus which means that in most cases it’s likely that you won’t really be hearing a noise that’s in your ears. As much as you might be convinced the sound is ‘real’ it is probably being generated by your auditory nerve firing incorrectly.

#4 Ringing ears are made much worse by stress

Both acute running ears and long-term chronic tinnitus can be caused and worsened by stress. The reason for this is that stress triggers our ‘fight or flight’ response as mediated by the production of numerous neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and glutamate and this in turn makes us more alert and focused and ‘turns up the volume’ on our brain. This can in some cases lead to our brains hearing sounds that actually aren’t present in the form of a ringing noise.

#5 Supplements can help

If you are looking for an effective ringing ears treatment then the supplement Ring Zen is a good choice. This contains a number of natural active ingredients that together work to combat ringing ears on three fronts. Specifically, Ring Zen can help to improve normal hearing and nerve function, it can provide important micronutrients that aid recovery and it can combat inflammation which can play a serious role.

#6 Everyone’s tinnitus is different

While you might get a ringing in your ears, other people will be more likely to experience a rushing noise, a clicking noise or even music that isn’t actually there.

#7 Noise therapy can be helpful

If you have ringing ears then listening to an external noise like a white noise machine or even some classical music can help to not only distract you from that sound but also to make the noise ‘blend in’ to the background so that you don’t hear it as prominently. Different people will have more luck with different types of noise therapy so it’s important to try and find the right type of sound that best works to cancel out your particular case of ringing ears.