Why is SPSS data analysis necessary before starting a business?

Ruben Juden
4 min readNov 21, 2022
Why is SPSS data analysis necessary before starting a business?


It is a fact that predictive analytics is beneficial for high-risk industries such as insurance, energy and banking. For example, predictive analytics can determine future changes in sales patterns and translate that into a series of collective decisions. Hospitals have used predictive analytics to help them treat patients’ illnesses more effectively. Predictive analytics fits perfectly into industry models for predicting possible outcomes, making better decisions, and achieving better results. Nearly every industry can benefit from using predictive analytics. Tools like SPSS can ease such a process as it is difficult to perform manually. SPSS can also help businesses to flourish and grow.

You might ask:- How is it possible? The following blog will explain Why is SPSS data analysis necessary before starting a business.


SPSS is a program that people use for data entry, analysis and creation of tables and graphs. SPSS help with large amounts of data and do all the analysis. SPSS is commonly used in the social sciences and business world. So familiarity with the program should be beneficial for entrepreneurs. SPSS data analysis plays a vital role in organisations today. It enables effective decision-making by addressing fundamental business questions based on an understanding of available data. While there are many open-source and enterprise tools for data analysis, IBM SPSS Statistics has emerged as a popular tool among statistical analysts and researchers. It is a perfect platform to perform data exploration and research. So knowing about it can give significant benefits.

What are the types of SPSS data analysis?

1. Descriptive Analytics: It helps to describe or summarise what has happened in the past.

2. Diagnostic Analytics: Focuses on past performance to discover why something happened.

3. Predictive Analytics: Uses all previously collected data to predict future events at a granular level. The possible outcome is predicted using statistical models and machine learning techniques.

4. Prescriptive Analytics: It is a type of predictive analytics used to recommend one or more courses of action on data analysis.

5. Cognitive Analytics: It combines several intelligent technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithms, and others, to mimic the human brain and derive results from human thinking.

Why Any Business in Any Industry Can Benefit from SPSS Predictive Analytics: -

A lot of data is now available to assist with decision-making. Organisations collect data about customer preferences, purchasing habits, inventory levels, product and equipment problems, submitted claims, and more.

You might ask:- Why is it necessary to perform SPSS data analysis before starting any business? You must understand the benefits of doing business data analysis. Prescriptive analytics is the most crucial method of SPSS data analysis for business. It describes what will happen in a business and how it can happen. It makes rules and recommends measures to be taken. Prescriptive analytics is preferred due to its power to suggest appropriate actions. Read on to discover five ways entrepreneurs can leverage SPSS predictive analytics in any business field.

1. Avoid Risk and Growing Threats

New risks and increasing threats may get in the way of operational objectives. SPSS provides a proactive, systematic approach to closing gaps and categorising risk to operate at peak performance. Through predictive analytics solutions, businesses identify vulnerabilities and distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable risks.

The tool uses current business information. SPSS analyse the likelihood of events and thwart threats and risks. The software uses historical and real-time data to identify key risk areas, adjust regulations, and refine the policy. SPSS also detects subtle patterns and associations in the data and builds powerful predictive models to identify anomalies. The software can also monitor multiple data sources, see suspicious behaviour, and take action to stop inappropriate activity.

2. Save Money

Using predictive analytics can result in huge savings. For example, using SPSS Predictive Analytics, IBM customers in the banking and insurance industries could bust a powerful motor insurance fraud syndicate in less than four months, saving $2.4 million.

3. Improve customer satisfaction

When businesses reduce the time it takes to investigate fraud or risk, predict problems before they occur, or log business activities to account for customer trends, there will be a direct benefit.

But again, predictive analytics isn’t just about fraud. With SPSS predictive analytics, marketing can segment and tailor offerings to meet customer needs. Call centre agents can up-sell and cross-sell the products customers are looking for as human resource professionals who can target and recruit more qualified candidates. It all boils down to how effectively the company works with its customers.

4. Avoid Costly Problems Before They Happen

One of the most significant benefits of using SPSS is that it makes accurate and cost-effective predictions for operating characteristics that lead to a higher frequency of failure or downtime. Downtime can directly and significantly impact the return on investment over the system’s lifetime. Using SPSS software to predict costly problems before they occur. It optimises production line uptime and minimises disruptive, expensive, unscheduled downtime.

5. Increase ROI

The average return on investment (ROI) for projected analysis projects comes to a whopping 250 percent. An IDC report states that predictive analytics can impact an organisation’s profitability and competitiveness.”

Predictive analytics can help you turn large amounts of structured and unstructured data into actionable insights.


In this blog, we have discussed SPSS, types of SPSS data analysis and benefits from SPSS predictive analytics for any industry. SPSS data analysis can help you improve operational efficiency, understanding of customers, future results, decision-making, performance and growth. Learning from the best online SPSS consultancy will help you to familiarise yourself with the particular software. SPSS is easy to understand, use and apply. For in-depth data analysis, SPSS is better appropriate. So using it before starting a business will do wonders, and taking the help of an SPSS expert can be crucial for entrepreneurs.



Ruben Juden

Statistical & Academic consulting has always been at the core of Silver Lake Consulting. Visit our Website : https://silverlakeconsult.com/