3 Reasons Elon Musk Could Be Extremely Dangerous and the Most Powerful Force on Earth

Rubye Johnson
3 min readJun 12, 2024


In the modern landscape of technological advancement and innovation, few figures loom as large as Elon Musk. As the driving force behind multiple groundbreaking companies, Musk’s influence reaches across various sectors, making him a pivotal figure in shaping the future. However, with great power comes great potential for danger. Here are three reasons why Elon Musk could be considered extremely dangerous and possibly the most powerful force on earth.

1. Dominance in Critical Technologies

Elon Musk has a profound influence on several critical technology sectors through his companies, including Tesla, SpaceX, Neuralink, and The Boring Company.

Tesla leads the electric vehicle market and energy storage solutions, positioning Musk at the forefront of the transition to sustainable energy. SpaceX revolutionizes space travel and aims to establish a human presence on Mars, giving Musk significant control over the future of space exploration. Neuralink is developing brain-machine interfaces that could transform medical science and human cognition. The Boring Company aims to revolutionize urban transportation with its tunnel infrastructure projects.

The Danger: The consolidation of such pivotal technologies under one person’s control can lead to monopolistic practices and stifle competition. This can result in a single point of failure for multiple critical infrastructures if mismanaged or leveraged maliciously.

2. Influence Over Public Opinion and Markets

Musk’s social media presence, especially on Twitter, allows him to sway public opinion and market dynamics with a single tweet. His tweets have caused significant fluctuations in the stock market and cryptocurrency valuations.

The Power: Musk’s ability to mobilize his massive following and impact financial markets highlights his extraordinary influence. For example, his tweets have sent the prices of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Dogecoin skyrocketing or plummeting, demonstrating his capacity to affect the global financial system.

The Danger: This level of influence poses a risk to market stability and investor confidence. The potential for market manipulation, whether intentional or not, can lead to significant financial consequences for individuals and institutions worldwide.

3. Unregulated Ambitions and Ethical Concerns

Musk’s ventures often push the boundaries of current regulations and ethical norms. His ambitious goals, such as colonizing Mars, integrating AI with the human brain, and tunneling under cities, raise numerous ethical and regulatory questions.

The Ambition: Musk’s willingness to forge ahead with innovative but controversial projects often places him at odds with regulatory bodies and ethical considerations. His approach to innovation often prioritizes rapid advancement over regulatory compliance or ethical deliberation.

The Danger: This unregulated ambition can lead to unforeseen consequences. For example, the rapid development and deployment of Neuralink’s technology might outpace necessary ethical safeguards, potentially leading to privacy violations or other ethical dilemmas. Similarly, the aggressive expansion of Tesla and SpaceX could lead to environmental or societal impacts that have not been fully assessed.


Elon Musk’s impact on technology, finance, and society is undeniable. His ventures promise to reshape our world in profound ways, but this concentration of power and influence also poses significant risks. As Musk continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible, it is crucial for society to critically examine and address the potential dangers associated with his unprecedented influence.

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