5 Reasons to Choose Outsourcing over In-house Development

Rubyroid Labs
2 min readDec 13, 2017


In what cases does outsourcing software development win over in-house Team? It’s time to figure it out!

Many companies erroneously think that having an in-house team is always better than going for an outsourcing solution. In fact, there are a number of cases, when outsourcing is the best possible solution. Let’s have a look at them.

1. Rare Specialists

One of the best things about outsourcing is that it gives you access to developers from any corner of the world, of any level of qualification and development stack. This way if your project requires a pretty rare stack of technologies or you can’t find a suitable person in a town your Company is based in outsourcing is the answer.

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2. Brainstorm Power

Keep in mind that usually outsourcing vendors have more than one Team. So in case of the developers you outsource your Project have some difficulties with a task, they can always do some brainstorming with their colleagues. So unlike in-house development, you will always have the support of a bigger Team and more brains.

3. Leaves Coverage

The problem of any in-house hiring is that if you have a small IT Team and a person is sick, went on annual leave or simply left the Company you get under risk of technical troubles. As a result of it, you can lose users and clients, waste time and money on finding a temporary or regular replacement. Outsourcing wins here in two fields: 1) it is not your headache anymore, 2) Team is bigger, so the replacement will be found significantly quicker.

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4. Team Support

The majority of good outsourcing companies have a set of senior specialists who are not assigned to a specific, but rather monitor how efficiently the Team is working, what solution it delivers and whether the adjustment to the processes is required. So with Team support, you can always rely on better solutions.

5. Team Size Management

And finally, the great thing about outsourcing is that it makes Team size management quick and easy with no hard feelings. If you need to double the Team for a few months only just to meet the deadline, it would be so much easier to do with outsourcing. And when you feel that you don’t need that big Team, you can adjust it according to your needs. It gives you great flexibility and allows managing your budget efficiently.

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As you see there are plenty of cases, when outsourcing software development is the right choice. And why do you choose to outsource? Share with us in the comments!

Originally published at https://rubyroidlabs.com on December 13, 2017.



Rubyroid Labs

Rubyroid Labs is a software development company with a focus on Ruby on Rails, CRM development and business automation. Visit us at https://rubyroidlabs.com/