Discovering BTS Part-I

Rucha Jamale
9 min readOct 27, 2021


Discovering BTS: Accident, Choice, or Destiny?

Dynamite: Group teaser photo 2

So, let me first ask you what is destiny? Google says — The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future. Right? Wait I have a better and more practical definition.

Who cares about Destiny _If someone shows up when you need them, you call that Destiny! Simple! _Ko Moon Young-It’s okay to not be okay.

And the most famous Bangtan quote is_ You find BTS when you need them the most! Was it the same in my case?
Last Festa(BTS birthday) RM said,

I’m curious about each fan’s story, how they became ARMY. I’m curious what kind of dreams they have and what they do, where and how they live, all these things. One day, I hope the day would come that we could listen to each one of their stories _RM_BTS leader at Festa 2021.

‘Your wish is my command sir!’ And here I’m with my very own Bangtan story which started amid Covid 19…

I have always lived in city chaos, but due to Corona, Work From Home become a need and our family got the opportunity to move to our native where our home is surrounded by trees and fields everywhere, finally, a much-needed vacation where I thought I would get lost in nature and take my laptop and sit under the tree and enjoy working from home, wait what did I say enjoy WFH! Oops sorry, I take my words back, and my word Vacation too. Cause everybody thought the same, whole family together with loads of time, this would be so much of fun, but little did we knew this was going to be the scariest year ever. 2020 it was! This year plans were canceled, hearts were broken, mental peace was shaken, but more of that Covid made many people broke. Touchwood we were in a good condition, but as the days pass by, as the months pass by, almost at mid-2020 I gave up, the calm girl born with inbuilt patience loosed it all, sitting under the tree inhaling the purest breeze did not help, gazing at the open sky, night stars did not help, dancing at songs, including different artistic hobbies did not help; talking with besties for hours and then realizing everyone was facing the same issue, this made everything pathetic cause it confirmed that I was useless and helpless! There were also many personal reasons which made the situation worse.

The past was troubling, the future was blur, and the present seemed like a big Deadlock.

After some time I realized that the brain is suffering immensely and immediately thought that I need to fight this situation instead of blaming it, I tried several options, several things, but this time it was hard, as this time the target was to be happy again with the brightest smile on my face! Seems like an easy thing but turned out extremely hard. One of my Defense mechanisms was to watch good and happy Content consistently so that day by day the condition might get easy, but in this online world, it is really hard to find big content that can make you happy from inside! I started to google, took suggestions, watched many things but the situation did not get better, but one day as a regular habit of mine, before sleeping I make sure to watch the YouTube trending list, and at that time the number one trending was #1DYNAMITE by BTS.

Dynamite- A much-needed color full song in my black and white life. When I first listened to Dynamite I loved it so much that I immediately downloaded the song, for two days continuously the song was on a loop, I was working, cooking, cleaning and the song was playing in the background, at day one the song was playing normally like any other song but the next day, I started to groove, humming the lyrics and then even started to dance!! Yes, Dance! I love dancing, and since last months the only body movement I did was moving steadily from hall to bedroom, bedroom to the kitchen, kitchen to terrace that’s it. For a second, I wondered how a girl who used to dance even while passing the corridors ended up here! I was a pity in my own eyes. With a big sigh, I played the video of the song again and again. And here comes the twist-Content Recommendation.

Content Recommendation is basically suggesting more relevant content to the user traced from their recent history. I think it is one of the best inventions, without searching you get what you want. Simple! And while watching Dynamite vast amount of things were popping up on my screen. But wait I’m a Computer major, I know how this works and I’m not falling for this. I just want to watch one video and I will be watching the same, that’s it. But because of this, I got a slight idea that BTS is exceptionally famous and might have huge content, and maybe they can have what I’m searching for for months. I was curious, hence I started to googling things just to see how wide their spectrum is and what kind of stuff are they offering, and after few days of exploring the results were astonishing cause BTS had a variety of content starting from music, dance, comedy, art, sports, acting, games, cooking, travel, vlogs, blogs, language learning, motivational, healing, shops, toys, merch, branding, ads, health, fashion, makeup, in fact there own storyline too. I was literally in shock, they are just singers right, then how!? I was simply amazed by the way they work, the professionalism, their marketing technology, Business, everything was par excellence. One thing is for sure, do it as Big-Hit does it otherwise don’t do it! Pretty straight! (Business aspirants note this down). So Big Hit is the company that discovered, debuted, and manages BTS. (Now cultivated into HYBE) But one extremely major thing I noticed was that every single thing they offered was positive, comic, valuable, and most importantly healing. Ahh, that’s it, this is it! Should I go for it?!

I was in doubt because BTS rather K-pop is Korean, originated from South Korea. The same place where K-Dramas evolve. k-dramas! Ahh, k-dramas! Oh no k-dramaaas! This overreaction is obvious, that’s because Korean Dramas have been always my escape from the real world. A break from this fake, harsh world. I agree they are too addictive, but they made me believe that nice people exist, love can be real, humanity is still alive, innocence should be protected, every single thing shown in the dramas is always so fascinating, intelligently directed, and beyond beautiful. The best thing I noticed is that they all have a Happy Ending, and the happy endings are not specific to the main leads only, but the happy endings apply to the supporting cast, their supporting cast, and their supporting cast so on. Every single person appearing on that show gets a satisfying ending. Wonderful isn’t it!? (This also showcases that each actor has its own importance in the storyline and is treated equally respectfully.) Whenever I’m watching a K-drama it’s similar to traveling to a different world where everything is so pretty.

Basically, K-drama is the Narnia cupboard for me, a walkthrough to a beautiful world out there.

But these dramas are just dramas, they are not real people, they just act. But BTS is real, heck real, the music, the members are all real, and if I started to watch them it will be like calling the imaginary world into my real world, how should I put this, ha Jumanji!! A damn real Jumanji! Risky isn’t it?!

I have heard the name BTS plenty of times, but like many people out there, I thought it was some general Behind the Scene term, yeah but I still remember I read a news article that some fandom named ARMY of some K-pop group donated big for the ongoing Natural crisis within the country. My jaw dropped, I mean who does this, I absolutely loved the idea and thought of searching more. (If you are a BTS ARMY just be proud, cause I knew you first way before BTS) But the next second I dropped the idea of looking more because K-pop was a big No from me, solely because some years ago when Gangnam Style was released everyone was freaking crazy over that song, including me, such an iconic song it is. (Even today I danced so much on Gangnam style that my legs are hurting now.) It gives me that Braaaazil la la la laa vibe! Ahh, Nostalgia! And due to Gangnam I was insanely triggered and listened to some k-pop songs later, but unfortunately don’t know why I did not like the songs, maybe the Content Recommendation was not in charge at that time, no idea what did I watched back then, it was some black and dark green MV and unnecessarily loud music in it, it gave me a very scary vibe, and since then I never tried listening to K-pop again.

So the first BTS song that I saw was DNA, back in September 2017, thanks to my habit of watching YouTube trending. When I first read the song name DNA, my eyebrows raised, I mean how can you name a song Deoxyribonucleic acid! (Now your eyebrows are raised, right? hahaha). Again a colorful song so I liked it, the one thing which stuck with me for a long time was the tallest guy’s chorus line in it “Taechoye DNAga neol weonaneunde!” (He was none other than our beloved Namjoon) No idea what it meant but I liked the lyrics and its funky choreo step. But apparently, it was my first ever BTS song so it’s obvious that many questions were on their way, one vital question was, how there can be whole seven members in a single group, seven different bodies, seven different styles, and more of that seven different brains, it’s simply impossible. They must have definitely broken each other’s teeth for sure. I found the song good but just watched it like any other song, with no such involvement. The second song I heard was Oh la la la, Oh la la la again it was trending. (Armies are like babe there are 9+ BTS songs with la la la in it including the latest Japanese single Film Out), which one are you talking about? The one which had the pink theme, the one with Halsey. Ohh girl that’s Oh my my my, Oh my my my and not la la la, btw the name of the song is Boy with love and not my my or la la. This one especially, simply loved its chorus, but again just enjoyed the song and swiped the screen. But the third one turned the tables of course it was Billboard’s number one Dynamite.

After a lot of chaos in my head, I decided to go for it, listen to their song and their story, I knew this might get addicting and overwhelming. It was a situation where the 7 tiny TANs (an animated character series made after the BTS members) were on the BTS logo (generally referred to as opening doors) waiting for me with wide arms (why is this sounding like the iconic DDLJ train scene). I looked back and all I can see is tired and frustrated me seeking her lost identity in this cruel world, who wanted to face the brutal reality and get back on her feet firm, strong and smiling, and laughing hard again. What’s the worse that could happen after, maybe I might actually fall for them or even ending up loving any one of them to bits. And I believe, Love comes with pain and sacrifice, and loving someone can’t be the worst thing, in fact, the greatest honor presented by Life. And that’s it, I happily entered the Magic doors, and now writing all of this to you, becoming a Girl with Love. I made a choice that I will never regret. Wait choice or maybe some sparkling destiny too?!

“Taechoye DNAga neol weonaneunde” _From the beginning, my DNA wants YOU! _DNA by BTS.

BTS Butter teaser photo

Lastly, I just want to say it’s the 21st century a content-driven century, we see more screens than actual faces. So, we should always monitor what these screens offer. Better content leads to a better life. (or should I say Butter life😁) Good content can actually turn an engineer into a writer. (hihi, btw the title says part-I IYKYK😜 )

BTS concert



Rucha Jamale

A girl who likes to recites stories! Basically, I don’t write, I talk with you through my writings!💁