Can Section 8 company pay salary to director?

2 min readDec 7, 2023


Introduction: Section 8 companies, also known as non-profit organizations, play a crucial role in promoting social welfare and charitable activities. However, these entities must adhere to specific regulations to maintain their non-profit status. One common question that arises is whether a Section 8 company can pay a salary to its director, particularly in the context of microfinance organizations. In this article, we explore the intricacies of Section 8 microfinance company registration and delve into can section 8 company pay salary to director?

Understanding Section 8 Microfinance Company Registration: Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013, provides the legal framework for the formation and regulation of non-profit organizations in India. Microfinance companies operating under Section 8 are tasked with providing financial services to the economically disadvantaged. These entities are subject to specific rules to ensure their operations align with the broader goal of social welfare.

Can Section 8 Companies Pay Salary to Directors? The question of whether a Section 8 company can pay a salary to its director hinges on the legal constraints and guidelines set forth by the Companies Act, 2013. Generally, Section 8 companies are expected to reinvest their profits back into the organization to further their charitable objectives. However, the Act does allow for the payment of reasonable remuneration to directors or officers for their services.

It’s important to note that any remuneration paid to directors should be reasonable and commensurate with the services rendered. This ensures that the primary focus remains on the organization’s charitable activities rather than personal financial gain.

Key Considerations:

1. Memorandum and Articles of Association: The company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association should clearly outline the rules and procedures regarding the payment of remuneration to directors. These documents serve as the guiding principles for the organization’s operations.

2. Approval by Members: Any proposal to pay remuneration to directors must be approved by the company’s members. This ensures transparency and aligns with democratic principles in the decision-making process.

3. Regulatory Compliance: Section 8 microfinance companies must adhere to regulatory requirements to maintain their non-profit status. Compliance with tax regulations and other statutory norms is crucial to avoid jeopardizing the organization’s charitable objectives.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while Section 8 microfinance company registration can pay remuneration to their directors, it must be done within the legal framework established by the Companies Act, 2013. The key is to strike a balance between compensating directors for their services and ensuring that the primary focus remains on advancing social welfare and charitable activities. By navigating these regulations effectively, Section 8 microfinance companies can fulfill their mission of contributing to the betterment of society while maintaining financial sustainability.

