Can Section 8 company run a school?

2 min readDec 11, 2023



Section 8 companies, also known as non-profit organizations, play a crucial role in contributing to social welfare and development. These entities are formed with the primary objective of promoting charitable activities, and their operations are guided by the provisions outlined in Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013. One common query that arises is whether a Section 8 company can run a school. In this article, we will delve into the possibilities and considerations surrounding the establishment of schools by Section 8 companies, with a specific focus on the link between “Section 8 Microfinance Company Registration” and the potential for running educational institutions.

Can Section 8 Company Run a School?

The legal framework governing Section 8 companies does not explicitly restrict them from establishing and running educational institutions such as schools. Section 8 companies are granted the flexibility to engage in various charitable activities, including the advancement of education. Therefore, the establishment and operation of schools fall within the realm of possibilities for Section 8 companies.

Key Considerations:

1. Object Clause in Memorandum of Association (MoA):

· The MoA of a Section 8 company outlines its objectives and the purpose for which it is formed. If the MoA explicitly mentions the promotion of education, the company is well within its rights to establish and run schools.

2. Compliance with Education Laws:

· While there may not be a direct legal prohibition, Section 8 companies intending to run schools must comply with education laws and regulations applicable in the jurisdiction where the school is located. This includes obtaining the necessary licenses and approvals from educational authorities.

3. Utilization of Funds:

· Section 8 companies are required to utilize their funds for promoting their charitable objectives. Running a school aligns with the charitable objective of promoting education, provided the funds are used for the benefit of the society at large.

4. Alignment with Microfinance Company Registration:

· The link between “Section 8 Microfinance Company Registration” and running a school lies in the broader scope of social welfare. Microfinance companies, registered under Section 8, may find that supporting education through the establishment of schools complements their mission of uplifting communities by providing financial services.


In conclusion, a Section 8 company can indeed run a school, provided it aligns with its stated objectives and complies with relevant legal and regulatory requirements. The link between “Section 8 Microfinance Company Registration” and running a school is rooted in the shared goal of contributing to societal well-being. By navigating the legal landscape carefully and adhering to the principles of social responsibility, Section 8 companies can make a meaningful impact on education and community development.

