Customer Segmentation and Supervised Learning Model for Avarto Financial Solutions

Ruchit Doshi
10 min readJul 23, 2020


Segmenting the Potential Customers from a general population

Lets assume that you are a CEO of a company which have some X amount of customers in a city with 1000 *X population. Analyzing the trends/features of your customer and segmenting the population of the city to land new potential customers would be a very important step for any company.

This is very interesting work for an aspiring Data Scientist like me who would love to work with such real world datasets. The following article is a similar work on data provide by Avarto Financial Solutions for Udacity Nano-Degree Capstone Project.

This project can we divided into three parts:

  1. Customer Segmentation using unsupervised techniques
  2. Supervised Learning Model
  3. Kaggle Competition

Data Overview:

The following the files which are given by Avarto Financial Services:

  1. Azdias.csv : Demographics data for the general population of Germany 891,211 persons (rows) x 366 features (columns)
Description of AZDIAS data

2. Customers.csv: Demographics data for customers in a mail-order company 191652 persons (rows) x 369 features (columns)

Description of Customers data

3. Train.csv: Demographics data for individuals who were targets of a marketing campaign (train) — 42,982 persons (rows) x 367 (columns)

4. Test.csv: Demographics data for individuals who were targets of a marketing campaign (test) — 42,833 persons (rows) x 366 (columns)

An excel for describing all the features and the explanations of each of their values was given in a seperate file. This excel was read and a dictionary was made out it for mapping all these values to NaNs.

Screenshot of the Dictionary

Pre-processing Data:

Initially, the number of NaNs in the Azdias dataset were less. After mapping, the unknown values of each column increased. The following figures shows the top 15 columns which had maximum number of null values after mapping of the unknown values.

Null values Proportion

On checking the proportion of null values, there were 42 columns which had more than 50% of their values as NaNs. These columns were subsequently dropped from the dataset. One thing to note here is to store these column names which can be applied later to the customers dataset.

Dropping columns with more than 50% of null values

There 6 features which were categorical in nature. Features such as ‘EINGEFUEGT_AM’ , ’D19_LETZTER_KAUF_BRANCHE’ were dropped because these were too detailed. Dummies were created for column ‘CAMEO_DEU_2015’ for all its individual values.

Categorical Columns

The columns ‘CAMEO_INTL_2015’ and ‘CAMEO_DEUG_2015’ had arbitrary values such as ‘XX’ and ‘X’ which needed to be replaced by NaN. These values also present in ‘CAMEO_DEU_2015’ feature and was subsequently dropped after creating dummies.

Unknown entries in ‘CAMEO_INTL_2015’

Pre-processing on three particular columns involved manipulation of data.

  1. ‘CAMEO_INTL_2015’ : column for international topology. This column had two internal features such as ‘WEALTH’ and ‘LIFE_CYCLE’ combined in the dataset. Thus, two independent columns were generated from this column.
  2. ‘PRAEGENDE_JUGENDJAHRE’: column for dominating movement in the person’s youth (avantgarde or mainstream). This column was dropped and another column named ‘MOVEMENT’ was generated from this column with two values. {1:mainstream,2:avantgarde}
  3. The ‘OST_WEST_KZ’ is converted into integer values by mapping ‘o’ to 1 and ‘w’ to 2.
Converting Mixed attributes into individual features

Using the sklearn library, the SimpleImputer and StandardScaler for every column was used. Similar, process of pre-processing, imputation and standardization was applied to the customers data as well.

Azdias data after cleaning, imputing and standarding

Before jumping into the 1st part of the project, the number of features were reduced to 363 columns. All the columns represented float values and the data was ready to be utilize further for the customer segmentation.

Part 1: Customer Segment

  1. Principal Component Analysis:

It is not feasible to work with 363 features. Each feature would represent some amount of variance. Thus, PCA was applied to reduce the dimensionality of the data. After applying PCA for many different n_components, I decided to finalize 181 features which is exactly the half number of features of clean data.

PCA applied on the cleaned data

As it can be seen, 181 features roughly can give 90% of the information of the entire data. The principal components were studied in detail regarding the features which were most important.

Following figures can give a rough estimation about the feature importance for the first three principal components.

Feature mapping for principal components

For cluster segmentation, initially the Elbow method was implemented to identify the ideal number of clusters for k-means clustering. The sum of squared errors was calculated for each number of cluster using the MiniBatchKmeans.

Clustering using K-Means

Using the same pipeline, the customers data set was transformed. The number of clusters used was 30. Although, number of clusters=26 would also suffice the needs. The Kmeans algorithm with number of clusters as 30 was used to fit_predict the PCA fitted azdias data. The same model was used to transform the PCA transformed customers data. The below plot shows the similarity of both the datasets for the 30 clusters.

Proportion of azdias and customers for each kmeans cluster

From the above figure, it would be ideal to plot the differences between the proportion of customers and azdias. This difference in proportion would be useful to predict the group of general population which can be considered as potential future customers.

Representation of clusters for customers and azdias

It can be clearly found out that, general audience in the clusters of #18, #14, and #0 would be an ideal choice or have a potential to become future customers. The azdias data points of people in groups #10,#9,#19, and #3 would be considered as non target audience for the mail order company.

Part 2: Supervised Learning Model

In order to predict whether a person would be a target or non_target for the mail_order company, it would be ideal to model a supervised model. The training data provides the demographic data for such individuals which can be classified as target and non target. The labels for these data points are given to train the supervised model.

Taking a look at the responses, it can be found that the training data is imbalanced in terms its responses.Only 12% of the total responses are 1 (i.e. targets) while others are non-targets. Thus, the data is subjected to predicting non targets more often the targets.

Proportion of Responses in train_data

In order to tackle this problem, two steps were taken.

  1. Using the Stratified Cross Fold Validation : This type of cross validation technique was used because Stratified Kfold maintains the proportion of each class in every fold. In other words, for two fold Stratified cross fold validation, each fold would get 0.06% of target data points and 0.44% of non target data points.
  2. Using advanced bagging/boosting techniques: Ensemble learning is method of building a model on top of other models. Adaboost Regressor, Gradient Boosting Regressor, and XGBoost Regressor in Scikit-learn are all ensemble classifiers built on top of Decision tree model (by default).
    These ensemble models work great both for classification and for regression problems and in general has the following benefits:
  • improves the stability and accuracy of machine learning algorithms;
  • reduces variance of a single estimate from one model as they combine several estimates from several models;
  • helps to avoid overfitting.

The models are initially fitted on the training data which was splitted into training and validation data using the Stratified K-fold technique with n_fold=7.

Comparison of models before hyper-parameter tuning.

Model Evaluation:

ROC_AUC was selected to be the metric. To evaluate the models, the training data was split into training and validation data with test_size=0.3. Then, the training data was split into percentages from 30 to 100 of the training size and the corresponding roc_auc for training and validation were plotted.

Model evaluation

As it can be seen that, the XGBoost Regressor does not perform well with the max val roc_auc of 0.65. The remaining models have similar roc_auc. These models were further fined tuned by hyper-paramater tuning using grid search.

Grid Search

The Adaptive Boosting was further fined tuned by tweaking learning_rate and n_estimators. It was found that smaller learning rates and larger n_estimators were giving the best results. Gradient Boosting Regression was also fined similarly and was able to interpret similar trends. However, it takes longer time to run this model. Although, XG Boosting (Extreme Boosting) was not performing well enough, it was fined tuned further by tweaking learning rate and gamma.

Grid Search for Gradient Boosting
Grid Search for Adaptive Boosting
Grid Search for XG Boosting

The final models after the grid search and fine tuning the hyper parameters are as follows:

Final models after gridsearch

All the three models were able to get 76% accuracy on the training data.

Final Scores for each model

These models were traced back to figure out which feature stands as the most important out of the 363 clean features. It is found out that, the feature ‘D19_SOZIALES’ is the most important feature for two out the three models.

Top ten features for each model

Part 3: Kaggle Competition

The cleaning data process was applied to the test data as well. The training data was fit on all the three models and predictions on test data for each model was submitted to Kaggle. As we were allowed to submit 5 submissions per, all the three predictions were submitted. The Gradient Boosting submission was the best, getting an accuracy of 79.959 on Kaggle.

In order to improve the accuracy, one can refine all the parameters of the models. Other models such as DecisionTreeRegressor can also be tried. One advice would be to try data augmentation technique. Try adding customer dataset points to the training data to handle the imbalance nature.


  1. Different cut off for dropping the columns in the datasets can be used. Eg 0.30 null values.
  2. Different Imputation techniques can be used like Median, Max etc. The features can also be divided into log attributes which are skewed, into mixed attributes and numerical attributes.
  3. Standardization can also changed like MinMaxScaler etc.
  4. Different Models like SVR, DecisionTreeClassifier can be test
  5. Data Augmentation technique can be implemented to handle the imbalance nature of the dataset. Data points from customers data can be added to the training data to increase the positive responses in the training data.


In this project, provided by Udacity partners at Bertelsmann Arvato Analytics, the real-life demographics data of Germany population and customer segment was analyzed.

  1. In the first part of the project, pre-processing of the data was done. This was the most challenging part of the project. Conversion of mixed attributes and categorical features into numerical attributes consumes most time in this project. Following the data cleaning part was the imputation and standardization of the dataset.
  2. For the Unsupervised learning part, PCA was applied to the cleaned dataset containing 363 features. The number of features were reduced to 181 after applying PCA which represents approx 90% of the data. Elbow method was used to determine the number of clusters in the kmeans algorithm. After applying Kmeans to both the datasets, it can be seen that the general population in cluster number #18, #14, and #0 would be an ideal choice or have a potential to become future customers. The azdias data points of people in groups #10,#9,#19, and #3 would be considered as non target audience for the mail order company.
  3. A supervised learning algorithm was built using advanced regression models like AdaBoost, GradientBoost and XGBoost. Techniques to handle imbalanced data like Stratified cross fold techniques were also learnt. ROC_AUC curves for these models were plotted to evaluate them. These models were further fined tuning using pipelines and gridsearch methods as learnt from the nano degree program.
  4. A Kaggle score of 0.79959 was obtained from fine-tuned GradientBoost Regressor model. These results could be improved more by data augmentation techniques and further fine tuning other parameters of the model.

5. Improvements like different imputation, standardization and data augmentation techniques were also discussed which can augment the performance of this project further.

This project be very useful as it could be applied to various fields. I would like to thank again Avarto Financial Solutions for providing this real world datasets. A big thanks to all the instructors and team members of Udacity for their constant support during the nano degree journey.

The project workbooks can be found here.[]

