What is Green UX?

2 min readOct 7, 2022

How UX affects our environment and what should be done to reduce this negative effect. Recent research shows that IT is one of the spheres with the fastest-growing energy consumption. Websites that we browse become heavier and heavier. More and more data and images are used. Besides, it is a common practice to add videos. To say nothing about using social networks, exchanging photos, etc. It all contributes to the increase in carbon consumption. Of course, we cannot stop using the internet and all our devices. But we can make them environment-friendly.

Move to mobile devices — When we build websites and apps for mobile devices, we make them lightweight and load quickly, which reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

If your site is user-friendly and intuitive — you achieve two goals at once — users can easily find what they’re looking for, and reducing the time to search will have a positive impact on the environment.

The loading speed of the site or application is also important. Increasing the loading speed reduces power consumption. Thus optimization is important not only for users, but also for the environment.

Use adaptive images and videos
• Compress your content
• Remove unused features and functions.
• Minimize your code
• Cache. It saves a lot of browser requests to the server, improving the load speed of the website.

When you order mobile application development or web application with Software Development Hub, you can be sure that your task will be performed by professionals taking into account the best design and development practices.

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