3 min readSep 16, 2021



Lack of healthy sustenance is a significant issue determined in India. It brings forth infections, diseases and results in the demise of thousands consistently. The main answer for the issue is giving supplement rich effective and economical nourishment for the more vulnerable and the poor part of the general public. Hunger alludes to when an individual’s eating routine doesn’t give enough supplements or the right equilibrium of supplements for ideal wellbeing. Additionally, not taking adequate amounts of nutrients and minerals disregarding an unhealthy eating regimen brings about what we know as ‘stowed away craving’. Rudra agro commits to the mission of making India malnutrition free with our fortified rice kernels. We make rice healthier and fortified , i.e., loaded with both macro and micro nutrients

We manufacture fortified rice kernels at the capacity of 30 tonnes per day in our high-tech adn avant-garde fortified rice plant in punjab. We make no compromise with the quality, safety standards and the hygiene of our production plant. With regular checks, visits by superior officers and regulatory maintenance team, we make sure to deliver unswerving quality. Fortifying rice Kernels (FRK) makes it more nutritious by adding vitamins and minerals in the post-harvest phase; many of which are lost during the milling and polishing process. Micronutrients such as vitamin B12, iron and folic acid are added to the rice to make it a healthier version of the staple food of more than 65% of Indians.

As a leading, reliable and one of the only fortified rice kernel manufacturers in India, we are a trusted name in the realm and live up to it by delivering exceptional and the superlative quality fortified rice kernels through our people driven methodology. We constantly work in support of the numerous government programs and schemes that initiate large scale feeding programs to fight malnutrition and the deficiency diseases. These include, Special Nutrition Programme, Balwadi Nutrition Programme, ICDS programme, and Mid-Day meal programmes. Rudra agro backs up the government by manufacturing fortified rice kernels and creating a bridge in the current food fortification scenario. Fortified rice denoted rice fortified with iron and dense in both micronutrients and macronutrients.

As Fortified rice kernel manufacturers in India, we give the answer for battle this worldwide issue.. Rice is a staple food in each family and can be effectively utilized by poor people due to its availability and affordability. Subsequently, we collaborate with a few government associations to make rice accessible to the more unfortunate and underneath the neediness line segment of the general public. Invigorated rice bits are plentiful in nutrients and minerals. The nutrient rich list isn’t the main nature of the fortified rice, yet it likewise scents, cooks and tastes like ordinary rice. The lost minerals and nutrients are re-added to the rice which makes it better as well as a moderate decision for a huge number of Indians. The fortified rice kernels are one of the best and practical approaches to work on the wellbeing and food insufficiency of the general public.

Fortified rice price is quite affordable and fits in any and every budget plan. Fortification keeps deficiencies from happening in any case, while likewise limiting the requirement for diet change. As the rice is processed, it will in general commonly lose a portion of it’s nourishment as the bran is taken out. Fortified rice kernels is the ideal answer for this issue, as it not just adds the truly necessary micronutrients to the staple food sources yet keeps the infections from its lack also. As a general rule, Indian eating routine spotlights more on the macroscale like the carbs and fats and not the micronutrients. Henceforth, rice fortified with iron and different nutrients and minerals is the ideal answer for checking the issue.

