Rudy Brown
By Any Means of Marketing
3 min readSep 27, 2019

I use a formula to ensure the case study meets professional standards. I focus on crafting a unique story based on your customer’s testimonial. “Open-Ended Questions” are to the key to getting the information that will make the case study more effective.

Below is my formula. Please comment and provide feedback.

The Customer

Who is the customer?

Customer Questions

Challenge/Pain — capture the pain or challenge the customer faced

Decision/Why — why the customer chose the solution/service/product

Benefit — the #1 benefit the customer experienced

The customer’s voice and experience equals credibility.

Testimonials are incorporated.

The Challenge

What are the challenges they face?

Challenge Questions

  • What are the problems that led you to look for a new solution?
  • How specifically was that impacting you/ the business?
  • Tell me about the moment it was obvious things needed to change?
  • What had you tried before to solve the problem?
  • What the customer experienced before?
  • The impact of the challenge?
  • What they tried to fix it?

I utilize a powerful quote from about the challenge/need.


1 pager ( 1–2 paragraphs)

2 pager ( 3–4 paragraphs)

The Solution

How they solve their challenges?

Solution questions for the decision.

  • What was your criteria in selecting a vendor/provider?
  • What other options did you evaluate?
  • Why specifically they chose the solution over others

Solution questions for the how.

  • What was the roll-out/delivery of the service?
  • How and who uses it?
  • The number of users?
  • In what types of positions?
  • What the solution is?
  • Why the customer chose it?

Section Structure

“Why” quote

The Results

What are the outcomes? How are things better?

  • What were the top benefits of using the solution?
  • Did it save you time?
  • Did it allow you to be more efficient?
  • Did it save you money?
  • Did it make you money?
  • Was there a return on the investment?
  • Is life better?

Section Structure

Descriptive subheadline, reduces questions, gain in responses, ROI, End with a quote.

Anecdotal is qualitative & Measurable is quantitative.

Numbers that are put to use

figures ($) ex. cost savings of $100,000

% or a factor of ex. Cut costs by 20%

Wrap — Up Questions

What would you tell a peer about your experience with…? What are your future plans….? Anything you would like to add?


Quote about the primary benefit

Wrap-up ending — summarize the value of the relationship

A look- ahead statement — Share future plans

Case Studies — short stories that describe how a company or organization solved a challenge with a product or service — and what the results of solving that challenge were.

A before and after story

Word Count: 800 to 1200 words

Time: 10 hours


Story Structure

The Problem

The Solution

The Resolution

Hero’s Journey in Action

The Journey

The Transformation

The Return

Case Study Inclusion

The element about the company that creates a persona to set up the context.

Customer challenges and how they solve the challenges.

Why they decided to buy your product or service.

The customer’s results from using the product or service.

Case Study Format

Customer Bio

The Challenge

The Solution

The Results


I listen to what problems you are having and I focus on your marketing needs.

Check out some of my case studies that had been repurposed as a blog post.

Contact me if you need help, rudybrown@stupendouscopy.com.

I can solve any marketing problem you're having with stories that sell.

visit my website: stupendouscopy.com



Rudy Brown
By Any Means of Marketing

Freelance B2B Copywriter — Helping Companies Sell Solutions to Other Businesses & More. stupendouscopy.com