Actions are what make ideas alive…

3 min readOct 3, 2022


We are gonna stick to this in all processes of this project and nothing more…

We think that playing with people’s dreams, manipulating expectations, and even chasing unrealistic promises are one of the cruelest things that can be done to a person.

We will support the ideas we adopt with our actions and stay away from unnecessary promises.

Before we start explaining ourselves and our project, I would like to inform you about what non-fungible tokens (NFT) are and what they do. As you will understand later, one of the undeniable goals of our project is to make NFT communities conscious.

Where were we, yes NFT: It is an abbreviation of Non-Fungible-Token. So, what does “Fungible” mean and what does it mean to be “Non-Fungible”, let’s try to understand together. Let’s talk about Fungibility first. Fungibility is essentially being “changeable” in economics. The economic values ​​called “Fungible” mean that they can be added, subtracted, and exchanged with each other regardless. However, the “Mona Lisa” painting is not Fungible. Because there is only one of this table in the world.

Here are the tokens called NFTs, which are completely different from each other, cannot be added to or removed from one another, and are unique on the blockchain. The fact that NFTs are completely private and unique has caused these tokens to be used in artworks. Because each artwork is unique. There is only one “Starry Night” painting by Van Gogh. All other paintings are imitations.

NFTs have prevented this imitation in the digital world, and a single equivalent of each work of art has now been produced on the blockchain.

I am ending this brief information here by giving you the commitment that I will provide more detailed evaluations and information on NFTs in the future.

Who are we?

We Are Nightmares

Just kidding; We are you, a group of people who love NFTs.The presentation of our team will be on our website. Here I would like to focus more on ideas.

We believe that quality should be at the forefront rather than quantity.

We want to create a community that develops itself, dominates the dynamics of the market, and most importantly, has knowledge in this field.

In order to do this, we need to be aware of our problems. With this perspective, we have been observing the problems in the NFT field for a decent time and trying to make inferences.

How interesting is that the situation that brought our team together is one of these problems.

Rug pull. We gave the name rugdollz to ourselves. Because we became dolls on their rugs.

Rugpull is a phenomenon encountered in this field and perhaps the most disappointing one.

So what is Rug pull?

In the cryptocurrency community, it is the name given to the process of attracting investors to a new cryptocurrency project and then leaving investors with worthless currency before the project is completed.

In the NFT space, malicious entrepreneurs manipulate consumers with empty promises to persuade them to buy NFT. Then the scammers quickly leave the brand and its consumers without any warning after receiving the money. The most common sign of rug pull is insufficient commitment and excessive promises in brand development and execution.

Therefore, if the crypto space is the Wild West, non-fungible tokens are the wildest city.

In addition to the disappointments created on individuals, the atmosphere of insecurity created is the concept that causes the greatest harm to the NFT community. We want to help people understand NFTs and support honest projects.

As a team, our primary goal is to create a culture belonging to this space with the support of our community. We believe that with this cultural base, more ethical and decent projects will be put forward.

The more conscious the community, the more we can stand against false practices and create a social perception.

And the last words;

Our community will be our utility…

