What is Zcash (ZEC)? How Does Zcash Work?

Ruhi Srivastava
6 min readJan 9, 2024


What Is Zcash?

Introduced in 2016, Zcash is a cryptocurrency that presents an alternative to Bitcoin, offering users heightened privacy. It prioritizes security and confidentiality, enabling discreet validation of coin ownership and transactions, surpassing Bitcoin’s methods. This is made possible through the utilization of zero-knowledge proof technology known as zk-SNARKs, which allows for transaction validation without the disclosure of sensitive information. With Zcash, users have complete control over their privacy, with the option to keep transaction details either private or public.

The allure of Zcash lies in its robust security measures and privacy protocols. By employing zk-SNARKs, a specific type of zero-knowledge proof, Zcash ensures that transactions conducted on its blockchain are secure and impervious to interception or tampering. Moreover, Zcash provides users with the flexibility to choose between two transaction types: public and private. Public transactions are visible on the blockchain ledger, while private transactions remain confidential. This exceptional level of privacy and security positions Zcash as an appealing choice for those who highly value their financial privacy.

Zcash is a cryptocurrency built on decentralized blockchain technology, utilizing advanced encryption to enhance security and privacy through the use of shielded addresses. Similar to Bitcoin, Zcash operates on an open-source programming framework. It serves as a form of digital currency that can be exchanged for other currencies. The distinguishing feature of Zcash is its tokens, which are indistinguishable and lack any transaction history. Consequently, tracking payments becomes more challenging. Zcash aims to surpass Monero, a privacy-focused cryptocurrency that obscures transactions. At the core of Zcash’s technology lies zero-knowledge proofs, enabling the confirmation of transaction data without disclosing any details about the amount or the individuals involved.

Zcash’s History

In 2013, the concept of Zerocoin was introduced by researchers at Johns Hopkins University as an extension to Bitcoin. Its purpose was to safeguard the privacy of cryptocurrency transactions. Taking inspiration from the Zerocash protocol, Zcash emerged as a distinct entity three years later, breaking away from the Bitcoin blockchain. Zcash operates on the basis of the ZEC token and utilizes the zk-SNARK security protocol to verify transaction participants, all while keeping sensitive information concealed. Through the use of zero-knowledge proofs, this protocol validates the legitimacy of transactions without exposing any private data. Moreover, it provides protection against double-spending and ensures the authenticity of messages. The privacy features offered by Zcash have established it as a highly desirable and reliable cryptocurrency option, empowering users to carry out anonymous transactions without any concerns about compromising their personal information.

Working Of Zcash

Within the Zcash ecosystem, there are two types of addresses: transparent addresses, known as t-addresses, and shielded addresses, known as z-addresses.

T-addresses operate like Bitcoin, enabling transaction monitoring on the Zcash blockchain. On the other hand, z-addresses offer encryption, ensuring that the data on the blockchain cannot be accessed. As a result, transactions sent to z-addresses and their corresponding monetary value remain concealed.

The utilization of these addresses is vital in enabling a wide range of transactions within the realm of Zcash, as they combine different address types to achieve this.

Four primary types of transactions can be conducted using various combinations of address types.

1. Public (t to t): When a transaction occurs between two transparent addresses, the Zcash blockchain allows the general public to observe both the balance and the amount transferred.

2. Shielding (t to z): If a transaction takes place between a transparent address and a shielded address, the recipient with the shielded address is unable to access or view the balance and transaction amount. However, the sender with the transparent address can still choose to make this information public.

3. Deshielding (z to t): Similarly, a deshielding transaction occurs between a shielded address and a transparent address. While the balance and transaction amount remain confidential on the shielded address, they become deshielded or made public on the transparent address.

4. Private (z to z): When two shielded addresses are involved in a transaction, a private approach is adopted. Both the balance and transaction amount remain undisclosed and private.

Supply Of ZEC

ZCash, a digital currency, has a set cap of 21 million coins, with 14.6 million already in circulation. Once this limit is reached, mining for ZCash will cease. The smallest unit of ZEC, called a “zatoshi”, is equivalent to 0.00000001 ZEC or one hundred millionth of a ZEC. Every Zcash transaction is securely recorded on the Zcash blockchain, while the price of ZEC is affected by various macroeconomic factors and the cryptocurrency market’s dynamics.

Application Of Zcash

Electric Coin Company, the organization responsible for overseeing Zcash, has recently partnered with the Ethereum Foundation, as well as other entities involved in Filecoin, such as Protocol Labs and the Filecoin Foundation. This collaboration represents a significant milestone for the growth and acceptance of Zcash, as it allows the cryptocurrency to leverage the collective influence and resources of the entire consortium. Moving forward, Electric Coin Company aims to explore new avenues to expand the global reach of Zcash, with the ultimate goal of establishing a fast and secure global payment system.

When Zcash initially joined forces with JPMorgan Chase in 2017, it successfully formed a noteworthy partnership. By incorporating Zcash’s zero-knowledge security layer into its own Ethereum-based blockchain project, the banking giant was able to enhance its security measures.

Mining Of Zcash

In the world of ZCash, miners partake in a competitive process of proof-of-work to create new blocks. They race against each other to solve the hash and the miner who first unlocks a new block and claims the reward is the one who discovers the solution. Mining is responsible for generating fresh coins, and users can choose to use an ASIC miner or their computer with a graphics card capable of mining. ZCash is compatible with various operating systems, such as Docker, Debian/Ubuntu, Mac, and other Linux variants. However, ZCash recommends users to use an ASIC miner and mining pool due to the increased network difficulty, which makes PC mining not cost-effective.

Similar to Bitcoin, ZCash follows a mining incentive system. Miners receive tokens as rewards for successfully mining each block, and these rewards are halved every four years. 80% of the overall payment goes to the miners, while the remaining 20% is divided among the founders, investors, and Zcash workers. This fair distribution of rewards ensures fairness and serves as motivation for miners to continue contributing to the ZCash network.

Zcash’s Prediction

Advocating for an eco-friendly approach, Wilcox-O’Hearn, the mastermind behind Zcash, proposes a shift from the energy-intensive “proof-of-work” mechanism to the more sustainable “proof-of-stake” mechanism. This transition holds immense potential in curbing the carbon footprint associated with cryptocurrencies. In addition to its environmental benefits, Zcash offers users the unique advantage of conducting private transactions, making it an appealing choice for authorities who question the integrity of fully private systems like Monero.

Cryptocurrency experts have meticulously analyzed the price history and fluctuations of Zcash over the years. Their comprehensive study reveals that by 2026, the lowest projected price for ZEC could be $116.07, while the highest projected price could ascend to an impressive $147.22. On average, the trading price of Zcash is anticipated to stabilize at around $120.51.

How To Buy ZEC Tokens?

Looking to purchase ZEC tokens? You’ll be pleased to know that Zcash, a well-known cryptocurrency, can be easily obtained on various reputable exchanges such as BKEX, Binance, OKEx, Coinbase Global, and Huobi Global, just to name a few.

End Note

In conclusion, Zcash is a decentralized digital currency that prioritizes user privacy and compliance with regulations. Its credibility is built upon scientific principles and scrutiny from various entities. With a strong focus on security, Zcash is an open-source protocol inspired by the core principles of Bitcoin.

Furthermore, Zcash offers several attractive features for potential investors. It is resistant to quantum computing, ensuring robust security. Its open-source nature allows developers to create and utilize applications on its blockchain, fostering innovation and making it a reliable and secure cryptocurrency investment option.



Ruhi Srivastava

I'm a professional content writer with five yrs of experience in industries like technology, blockchain, cryptocurrency, finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.