
3 Telltale Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job

Rui Betencourt
3 min readJul 19, 2018


We’ve all been there. Staying in a job that drains you can take a serious toll on your wellbeing, but at what point can you know for sure that it’s time to move on? Ultimately, a decision to leave will have to depend heavily on personal circumstances, but waiting until you reach your breaking point is probably not the healthiest option. Watch out for these telltale signs that you’re ready to go. If you recognize any of them, start putting together an action plan to get out and save your sanity.

1. You really don’t want to go to work

You’d think this would be an obvious red flag, but the truth is an alarming amount of people get up every day and go to jobs that don’t make them happy. According to research conducted by Gallup, almost 70 percent of working Americans feel disengaged at work. The global figures are even more shocking, with less than 15 percent engagement. With statistics like these, it’s easy to talk yourself into thinking hating your job is just part of being an adult. Well, millions of working people worldwide who do report feeling engaged would disagree with you on that.

Consider how much time and effort you can waste doing something that doesn’t fulfill you. If you work an eight-hour day for forty years in a career that doesn’t bring you joy and satisfaction, you’ll have spent

