First In-Person Presentation: My Experience and Lessons Learned from SQLBits2023 🐲

Rui Carvalho
5 min readMar 26, 2023

I work as a Data Engineer for a couple of years and this year I had a goal to present a session in an in-person event for the very first time 🎯

Last year I decided that I wanted to be more into helping and sharing knowledge in the Community of Data, so I decided to start writing here as a way to fulfill that purpose. But there are other ways to share knowledge, like technical sessions online and/or in-person and that was a thing that I wanted to have a taste of “How it is”.

A goal for me this year was to do 2 in-person events and one of them was SqlBits2023.

Goal setting plays a big role because you have to trace a path to get there and things become more clear. Setting this presentation as a goal gave me clarity and motivation, I was able to measure the outcomes and progress, increased my productivity in working on the presentation, and helped me with my personal growth.


I started to work on this presentation 3 months before the day, I’ve already written a story on this that I will leave the link to: How I´ve prepared for SQL Bits 2023 — Data Platform Conference but basically this is what I did.

  1. Read the book “Talk Like TED” to improve my presentation knowledge.
  2. Used that knowledge to build the story of my presentation and to build my deck.
  3. Started to practice for me…



Rui Carvalho

Data Enthusiast | Time Management and Productivity | Book Lover | One of my passions is to teach what´ve learned | Storys every week.