How Can I Do This Right?

Rui Zhi Dong
2 min readJan 11, 2020
Photo by Miguelangel Miquelena on Unsplash

Quidvis recte factum quamvis humile praeclarum (Whatever is rightly done, however humble, is noble) — Henry Royce

Everything we do matters. The small things. The big things.

The small things will usually be a good indicator of how we will end up doing the big things. If we do a half assed job at the small things, we’ll most likely do it the same way with everything else in life. As the old saying goes, The way a person does one thing is the way they do everything.

As you do your work, ask yourself, How Can I Do This Right? Am I Doing All That I Can? Have I Gone Above and Beyond?

Whatever happens to be your job, do it well. Do it with pride. Do it with dedication.

If your job is one that you think is shit and beneath you, that’s going to show clearly with the way you do things.

Maybe you’re telling yourself, This is just a job to get me through college/get by/to save up enough money to start a business/buy an apartment. It doesn’t actually represent who I am.

Imagine that you’re at a cafe and you’re at the counter getting ready to pay. The cashier’s attitude is I don’t give a fuck and I wish I was somewhere else. Anywhere but here. You pay with coins (let’s just imagine that coins are still widely used) and the cashier just dumps all coins into the…



Rui Zhi Dong

Entrepreneur and Writer. Working on book, Thinking Questions. Influenced by Charlie Munger, Nassim Taleb, Ray Dalio, Marcus Aurelius, Cicero.