How To Read 997 Books Per Year in 10 Easy Steps That Works Surprisingly Well…

Rui Zhi Dong
2 min readMar 9, 2020
Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev on Unsplash
  1. Don’t work. It ties up way too much time. Instead, live off passive income through investments (equities, real estate etc.) or a passive business (an online business that requires no attention, a brick and mortar business that someone else is managing) or savings. Don’t have any of those? Consider joining Amway or a ponzi scheme. It’s 100% guaranteed the quickest way to riches.
  2. Don’t cook. Order UberEats.
  3. Don’t clean. Order a maid.
  4. Be antisocial. Ghost your friends and family. Delete your social media accounts. Carry a card in case someone IRL tries to talk to you. The laminated card should read, I’m on an urgent mission. Can’t talk. Some other time. Maybe. They’ll understand. I think.
  5. Keep showers to 2 minutes maximum. Better yet, don’t shower at all.
  6. Brush your teeth in the shower. Or don’t brush your teeth.
  7. Pee in the shower. While Alexa is reading an audiobook to you, of course.
  8. Throw your TV out the window. If it accidentally hits your neighbor, the one that keeps on having those distracting parties at his place, even better. Now you can read in peace and without Netflix tempting you. It’s all about hacking your environment.



Rui Zhi Dong

Entrepreneur and Writer. Working on book, Thinking Questions. Influenced by Charlie Munger, Nassim Taleb, Ray Dalio, Marcus Aurelius, Cicero.