If I Truly Love Myself, Is This Something I Would Do?

Rui Zhi Dong
2 min readDec 26, 2019
Photo by Anneliese Phillips on Unsplash

Maybe you love yourself. Maybe you don’t. Either way, this question will put some distance inside your head between you and your actions so that you can visualize yourself in the third person.

It’s a question to ask yourself when you’re hesitating.

You’ve been seeing a guy for some time and you recently noticed his negativity come out and his tendency to criticize small things about you. Your appearance. How you talk about your work. But he was so sweet at the start. What to do? Keep seeing him? If I truly loved myself, is this something that I would do?

There’s no right or wrong answer. If I truly loved myself, I wouldn’t tolerate being treated this way and I’ve allowed it to go on because I’m afraid of being alone. Or If I truly loved myself, I would allow myself to express my emotions honestly and since his criticisms bother me, I’m going to tell him that.

You’ve been hesitating about your work in law. The money’s good. But you’ve stopped growing sometime ago and the work is no longer fulfilling. Your real passion is architecture but that’d mean going back to school and starting at the bottom. You’ve got a comfortable life now and you don’t want to change that. If I truly loved myself, is this something that I would do?

If I truly loved myself, I would do something that excites me, even if that means drastically downgrading my lifestyle because I would be spending the majority of my working hours on something I love and be true to myself. Or If I truly loved myself, I will stick with what I know best and allow myself the certainty of having a high paying salary so that I may enjoy the good life and I can pursue architecture as a hobby.

Use this question to give yourself perspective and help you make better decisions.



Rui Zhi Dong

Entrepreneur and Writer. Working on book, Thinking Questions. Influenced by Charlie Munger, Nassim Taleb, Ray Dalio, Marcus Aurelius, Cicero.