What’s the Low Hanging Fruit Here?

Rui Zhi Dong
1 min readJan 4, 2020
Photo by Feliphe Schiarolli on Unsplash

We have a tendency to overcomplicate and miss the simple things.

I make most of my sales online from selling physical products. I have a sales channel that works. In an effort to increase sales rapidly, I added sales channels and spread the team thin. The lack of focus led to inconsistent results. The smarter thing to do would have been to double down on what worked and focus on perfecting the product pipeline.

When considering a problem, ask yourself, What’s the Low Hanging Fruit Here?

Avoid missing the obvious things to do. They might seem as clear as day to another observer but less so once you become intimately involved.

The more important the problem, the longer you should consider this question and write down an unfiltered list as the thoughts come to you. You can process the list later and look for items that are actionable, realistic and make sense.

Usually, it will be the simple and obvious thing. Sometimes even boring.

Ask yourself, What’s the Low Hanging Fruit Here?



Rui Zhi Dong

Entrepreneur and Writer. Working on book, Thinking Questions. Influenced by Charlie Munger, Nassim Taleb, Ray Dalio, Marcus Aurelius, Cicero.