Creating a Pull Request On Github

Rukee Ojigbo
2 min readMay 22, 2019


Normally when working on projects, especially when collaborating with others, we usually don’t work directly on our master branch.

We checkout to a new branch(create a new branch) to develop the particular feature you are working on then push to the online repo and create a “pull request”. Whoever is in charge of coordinating the project, reviews your code and once he/she is sure that everything works fine. They merge your code into the main branch.

A “pull request”, is like saying “Hey! I just finished working on this stuff please check to see if everything works fine and merge it into the “main branch”.

I am going to illustrate this concept using one of my project.

Step 1:

Go to the online repo for the particular project, and click on “New pull request”. Notice we are in a branch called develop…

Step 2

Enter a description of the changes you have made. Then click on create pull request (bottom right corner). Git compares the two branches and checks that they are able to merge. if they aren’t you get merge conflict. That’s beyond the scope of this article.

Congrats you just created a pull request, you should see something like:



Rukee Ojigbo

In real life I love to write, tell stories and madly enjoy reading screenplays. I’am Currently Training as a Software Engineer at Decagon Institute