This simple hack will dramatically boost your Facebook page reach 🔥

The secret new formula that no one is telling you !!!

All Things Tech
3 min readApr 3, 2018


Facebook is an ever evolving platform for marketers. Facebook has been slowly reducing the organic reach for Facebook pages and these days it has come to a level where paying has become a must if you need a considerable reach for your posts on their platform.

If you are a frustrated Facebook page admin then this small hack is definitely going to improve your reach on the Facebook platform. I have been doing this for a couple of weeks and I am very much happy with the reach and results I’m getting. 💯

What’s the hack? Groups. Focus on groups. Yes, Facebook groups.

Recently Facebook has made a tweak to their algorithm where they are giving more priority to posts on Facebook groups on their news-feed.

You might have already noticed that you’re seeing frequent posts from groups that you have subscribed to. This is all because of the change they have made to their algorithm.

Linking or creating a Facebook group for your page is simple

Groups were once considered to be a dark corner of Facebook, but not anymore.

To create a group all you have to do is go to your page, go to the ‘Groups’ tab, and from there you can create a new group for your page or you can connect an existing group to your page.

After you created or connected your group you can start interacting with the audience using the group. The group will be also shown on your page so your groups will get more attention and traffic from the page as well.

There are many advantages in giving priority to groups in your Facebook social media strategy.

👉 Facebook is giving more priority to groups in recent times, not only they have given priority in their algorithm, they have been also adding new features to groups that never existed a couple of years back. Different types of groups are now having different capabilities like ‘Buy and Sell groups’ etc.

👉 Facebook pages require people to like your page and as organic reach is going down all the time it is difficult to get new likes for new Facebook pages, but it is far easier to add people to a group and instantly build a community within no time.

👉Another advantage of doing this is the fact that unlike the old Facebook groups you can post to the group using your Facebook page so any admin from the page can post to the group using the Facebook page.

👉 As you get more reach from your Facebook group you will get more traffic to your page and more likes to your Facebook page and more reach for your page, and the cycle repeats itself.

🔥 There are many Facebook groups that are using these tactics and are fast growing and some groups even going past million members 😱

Marketing on Facebook is like doing real estate, or billboards at Times Square. The land is the news feed and to win you have to catch the attention of users.

If you are hoping to get free reach on Facebook do this simple step, create a group link it to your page and start posting on both page and the group at the same time, and you will be amazed by the reach you will get from your Facebook groups.



All Things Tech

I'm a blogger and I'm interested in technology, startups and making new things. ✌