01 : feel the progress

asa writes
3 min readNov 6, 2022


2022 being my first year away from my parents for a few months. At the end of July, I came to Samarinda for college. At first I was homesick, I missed my family, my mother’s cooking, and also my routine at home. Perhaps many of us who wander feel that way too.

As time goes by, sometimes I feel tired and bored, especially when I have to walk when I come back from campus in very hot weather. halfway through I was talking to myself, I said “It’s okay, unwittingly everything will pass, all you need to do is keep going”.

This is not what I expected, I think it could be better. I feel like I’m too much. So, I went back to the time before I started college and thought about my goals. At that time, I didn’t feel any progress in me. But there must be a reason why God sent me here. And I believe there are good things waiting for me at the end.

A few weeks later, I applied to join an organization on campus called ILS (International Language Society). In September they had a class discussion about public speaking. I took part in that class discussion, I sat down and listened to the speaker. Then the speaker wants some of us to come forward and do public speaking. I really wanted to do it, but fear held me back. It took me some time to fight it until I finally raised my hand. Then I plucked up the courage to come forward. Once I do that, it makes me feel like I’m satisfied and I feel like I’m going to do it again.

Before we actually became official members of the ILS, we were divided into groups and we had to take part in a two-day leadership training activity that they named El-Camp. I was in a group under the name Gerilya. There were ten people in my group including me and I was chosen to be the leader. I made this opportunity so I could learn and experience what it’s like to be a leader.

During the time I was a leader, I felt little progress in me. Suddenly I remembered one of my lecturers, he once said “A person’s greatest motivation is when he feels progress in himself”. It made me do even better even though this was my first time as a leader. although there are times when I feel burdened. But my friends in the group helped me so much, we encouraged and helped each other. I can’t forget our togetherness during practice and also during El-Camp on both the first and second day. But that doesn’t mean I managed to become a leader, I still have a lot of shortcomings and still have a lot of experience to be a leader.

Sometimes i ask myself, why this is happening to me? Then i take a breath and say “okay, let’s do this”.

Many unpredictable things will come and many things that are difficult will leave a great impression. So, feel the progress, you’ll find your better version of you.

“A person’s greatest motivation is when he feels progress in himself”



asa writes

Hi! My name is Asa. This is the stories about my journey that I want to share and I would read again in the years to come.