How To Etch and Mint Runes with RuneMine

3 min readApr 19, 2024


RuneMine is your gateway to etching and exploring everything Runes. Etch, Swap, Track, Analyze. All in one place.

This post explains how to etch and mint Runes using RuneMine.

Note: the RuneMine TestNet is now open for use.

Bitcoin’s halving is fast approaching and we’re ramping up for the release of key RuneMine infrastructure products.

Take RuneMine’s testnet for a spin:

Whether you’re a seasoned Bitcoiner or a curious newcomer, this guide will walk you through the necessary steps to etch your very own Rune, exploring the functionalities that RuneMine has to offer in a risk-free testnet environment.

Let’s dive into how you can start experimenting on the RuneMine testnet with digital assets without using real funds.

RuneMine Testnet Open

Complete Guide to Using RuneMine Testnet:

  1. Wallet Setup: Download and install the Leather , Xverse Wallet or Unisat. Create a new Bitcoin wallet or import an existing one.
  2. Connect to Testnet: Switch your wallet’s network to the Bitcoin Testnet.

3. Acquire Testnet Bitcoin: Visit a Bitcoin testnet faucet to receive testnet BTC, which you’ll use to interact on the testnet.

4. Access RuneMine: Go to RuneMine Testnet and connect your wallet.

5. Start Etching: Navigate to the Etch page. Here, input the details of the Rune you want to create — name, divisibility, symbol, premine (if any), and cap.

6. Commit Your Transaction: Hit ‘Commit to name’ and confirm the transaction when prompted by your wallet.

7. Confirmation Wait: Wait for 6 confirmations (6-blocks ~1 hour). Track the progress via mempool by following the transaction hash shown in your Etch history.

8. Finalize Your Etch: Once confirmed, return to the RuneMine testnet, hit ‘etch’, and await the final confirmation.

Congratulations, you have joined the halls of Runes etchers.

9. View Your Portfolio: See your newly etched Rune and all assets in the RuneMine Portfolio.

Explore all Runes and go deep.

10. Explore Further: Use the Runes Explorer to mint other Runes and view additional details such as market leaders, cap percentage reached, and number of mints.

Share your Runes!

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Head over to the RuneMine Discord ( ) and share your Runes names.

Users with the most creative and unique Runes tickers will get a one time only special Discord role — KING OF THE RUNEMINE.

  • Use RuneMine Etch to etch your top-tier names (extra credit if you include Rune + Mine in the name).
  • Unlimited entries, etch ’til it hurts anon.
  • Top three, chosen by team, will be crowned the role ‘King of the Mine’.

Now, get out there.

Happy etching, anon.

About RuneMine

The Home for Runes on Bitcoin L1. RuneMine is the first complete Runes specific infrastructure project and hub, offering a full suite of products and services for Runes developers and users.

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Building the largest ecosystem of applications for the Runes protocol on Bitcoin.