A Comparative Analysis of BRC-20 and Runes Protocols in the Bitcoin Ecosystem

3 min readFeb 16, 2024



The Bitcoin ecosystem has recently experienced a surge in growth, particularly with the introduction of the BRC-20 tokens, followed closely by the innovative Runes protocol. While BRC-20 quickly captured the crypto industry’s attention, concerns arose about its impact on the Bitcoin network, leading to the proposal of the Runes protocol by Casey Rodarmor. This article delves into the design, advantages, and potential challenges of both BRC-20 and Runes, offering a comprehensive comparison of these two protocols.

BRC-20 Tokens: A Brief Overview

BRC-20 tokens made a significant impact, with their market capitalization reaching an astonishing 1 billion USD in just two months. However, the protocol faced criticism for causing “adverse UTXO proliferation,” a term coined by Ordinals founder Casey Rodarmor. The use of Unused Transaction Outputs (UTXO) for spamming Bitcoin transactions led to congestion, high minting costs, and concerns about responsible UTXO management.

Rodarmor’s Concerns and the Birth of Runes

In his critique of BRC-20, Rodarmor highlighted the issues associated with spamming UTXOs and proposed the Runes protocol as a viable alternative. He expressed skepticism about the legitimacy of alternative tokens on the Bitcoin network, citing concerns about scams and memes. Runes, according to Rodarmor, aims to address the problems brought by existing protocols by offering a UTXO-based solution with a smaller on-chain footprint and encouraging responsible UTXO management.

Key Differences Between BRC-20 and Runes

UTXO Management

BRC-20: Criticized for causing UTXO proliferation and network congestion.
Runes: Aims to minimize on-chain footprint, encouraging responsible UTXO management.

Complexity and Dependencies

  • BRC-20: Intricate design, reliant on ordinal number theory for certain operations.
  • Runes: Simplified UTXO-based protocol, independent of the Ordinals protocol, promoting ease of development.

Off-chain Data Dependency

  • BRC-20: Utilizes off-chain data for certain operations.
  • Runes: Does not depend on off-chain data, offering a seamless user experience.

Token Issuance

  • BRC-20: Issues tokens without direct linkage to UTXOs.
  • Runes: Links token balances directly to UTXOs, promoting a unique issuance model.

The Runes Protocol in Detail

Runes introduces a UTXO-based token protocol that addresses the dispersion problem associated with BRC-20. It utilizes OP_RETURN outputs for transfers and emphasizes responsible UTXO management. The protocol’s compatibility with the Lightning Network sets it apart, offering additional use cases and potential benefits for developers and users.

Runes’ Future and Challenges

While Runes has garnered attention and backing, it remains in its early stages of development. The proposal has received support, including a $100,000 investment incentive from the BTC Frontier Fund. However, uncertainties persist about the protocol’s future, with Rodarmor expressing reservations about its continued development.


The comparison between BRC-20 and Runes reveals distinct differences in design, functionality, and goals. Runes presents itself as a potential solution to the challenges posed by BRC-20, emphasizing responsible UTXO management and compatibility with the Lightning Network. As the cryptocurrency community closely watches the evolution of these protocols, only time will tell whether Runes will emerge as the next significant advancement in the Bitcoin world.

