Runestone~ Rune Bag NFT Utility

Defi_Dev1 ~ Ryan
6 min readOct 19, 2022


Written By: Samurai ~ Co-Dev of Runestone Token

The Beginning

Remember what it was like when you made your first DEX trade. If you were like me, I bet you felt like you were going to conquer the world. Be the first person in your family and friends to become financially free. Have complete euphoria, knowing that you have started your crypto journey.

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

If you’re like me, you started your journey in the last quarter of the bull that made so many people understand that crypto really is the future. We have seen so many successful projects that launched towards the end of the bull, being able to maintain a based community and continue building for their loyal investors. So, when that glorious day comes where the money comes flowing back into the market, all those that stayed loyal and true will be rewarded. Unfortunately, this is not the case for all. We have seen many projects and loyal investors get REKT by this exact same method of thinking, it’s always going to go back up right, WRONG!

We have seen HUGE tokens, some that were listed on major exchanges, dump completely to the ground. Is this because it was a scam from the beginning… a pump and dump from all the fomo built leaving you on the dump side of it or… just a token that constantly, no matter how hard it pumps, gets jeeted to death. With the ever-rising scams built by devs, daily pump and dumps shilled by influencers or a combination of both that make most inventors feel the need to jeet for very minimal gains in the fear that if they don’t jeet they will get REKT. For many these words are all too true.

The Journey

What is a runestone you may ask? Rune stones were used as memorials for the dead, self-promotion, and religious beliefs. For centuries, Rune stones have been used as a tool for divination- a way to seek knowledge. Today they are used as a way to answer questions that nag your mind. The best part about casting rune stones is to seek answers to your pressing questions. You don’t need any special skills- only an open mind. So how do the Runestones help us in our journey?

Currently in development, are a collection of 2,000 NFT “Keys” that will allow THE CLAN (RUNESTONE Community) to buy one NFT at a respectable mint price and enjoy all the benefits that will be included in your RUNE BAG.

1.Invest in RUNESTONE, this will be a requirement needed to reap the rewards associated with the NFT (amount needed will be released before the release of the NFT)

2.Mint an NFT (.15ETH)

* Now that You own a RUNESTONE NFT, WHAT IS IT?

NFT UTILITY 1 (release date between end of Oct to mid Nov)

The Struggle

Too many times we get ourselves wanting the next best thing in life whether it be the new iPhone to keep up with Tech, the new features that are included with this year’s car or truck, or that token you want to ape in that is getting all the hype. With many investors becoming too REKT to invest in projects, afraid to invest in scams, or feeling like they never have a community’s support to get to Valhalla.

The Solution

Our custom coded NFT contract will allow ANY TOKEN to interact with it, that’s right ANY TOKEN. As a NFT holder we will take ALL of the 5/5 tax that’s generated from the RUNESTONE token and use it to reinvest in other tokens that will help give our investors a larger chance at achieving their financial goals. These decisions will be made from THE CLAN, listening in on Twitter Space AMAs with these communities and their Devs, Those communities raiding the RUNESTONE main Twitter and potentially having Youtube AMAs as well with Ryan. Once our community has chosen the route in which we go, we will invest that money that has been accumulated from the tax, and invest in the winning token.

The RUNESTONE marketing wallet, with the ENS address RUNESTONECLAN, will buy whatever the taxes are generated during that time frame and distribute it back to each NFT holder. For Example, if $20,000 dollars of taxes were accumulated with 200 NFT holders, each holder would get $100 of that token added to their NFT.

You will then be able to connect your wallet that holds your NFT to the Dapp and claim your tokens OR you may keep them in your NFT and Build your NFTs worth, hence RUNE BAG. (This generates a higher floor price for your NFT, in perpetuity).

What we will do then, as Vikings did when conquering new territories, is join our now fellow comrades from the winning token and hold VCs with them, shill/ raid with them… allowing THE CLAN to show their strength. We will build allies along the way, new CLAN members, and all the while we are building for that great day when the bull returns.

1 NFT per wallet

With the ability to have only 1 NFT per wallet, this will give that token THE CLAN invests in, that amount of new holders. When all 2,000 NFTs sell out the token we invest in will then show 2,000 new holders, THIS IS HUGE.


We understand that not all plays will generate you financial freedom, and for most investors finding one that does is very risky and rare. Our home is the RUNESTONE Telegram. Through our journey each day we will meet new people, enjoy new experiences, create bonds and find new skills amongst ourselves that we never knew were there.

Understand the power of what it means to hold $RUNE and a Rune Bag NFT… Within the first transaction of THE CLAN purchasing a projects chart and, distributing the tokens to the NFT holders, you will have already made back half the cost of the NFT. Because the project tokens chart has just added 200+ holders, that there was a 5 figure investment made, it is probable that the chart will continue to increase. As a Viking Clan, we will also be with them over the next several days to shill, raid, hold VC’s, etc.

The Runestone token itself will prosper as well because one must hold $RUNE in order to hold the NFT. This ensures new investors will continuously come into our tg, twitter, etc.

Eventually, the Rune Bag will be so full of gems that you would intentionally NOT want to make money in crypto, in which case, good luck to you and we wish you well, sincerely and truthfully!

Of note… these projects will not necessarily be new launch projects as we will be looking for the most best project, not just buying a low cap new launch.

As we sail through the sea of lies, seeking out those looking to aid us in our journey as we help aid them I’ll leave you with this famous Viking battle quote.

“Better to fight and fall than to live without hope. Travel far and wide and you should possess the secrets of man. There is more honor in accumulating little by little than reaching for the sky and ending up flat on your face. the error is a result of letting fear rule your actions”

