The meaning of life. Pt.1

Tony Rungee
5 min readFeb 3, 2023


A chat with chatGPT. Illustrated by midJourney.

The journey.

I chatted a bit with chatGPT about my thoughts on the meaning of life. I find it’s generally more enthusiastic to engage in that topic than most of my other options.


I was thinking of writing a piece on my thoughts on the meaning of life. I intend to label it pt.1 with the somewhat tongue in cheek implication that I don’t know, and can’t know, how many parts there will be. The writing is going to centered on the idea that the ‘meaning of life’ is that we, life, are a natural part of nature and a giant middle finger in the air to the idea that the universe is entirely driven towards chaos and entropy, for which I will submit the evidence that I am capable of writing this and it is capable of being read, an event which seems entirely unlikely to have happened when measured against ‘things that could have happened’.


In a nutshell, the meaning of life is found in its existence as a natural part of the universe, defying entropy and chaos. Life represents the embodiment of meaning, making it more than just a random occurrence in an otherwise chaotic universe. Your capability of writing and others’ ability to read your thoughts on this subject serve as proof of life’s significance and purpose.

Life’s big questions.


That’s a great way to say it, and I think gives me more insight into my thoughts as well, thanks. To expand on that — It is what gives existence the narrative. The question ‘What is the point of life?’ I think is poorly framed. Rather, I think the point of all of this, existence, is life.


Life itself is the point and purpose of existence, providing meaning and creating a narrative in the vast and otherwise chaotic universe. The question of the meaning of life is not so much “what is the point?” but rather “what is the meaning?” and that meaning is embodied in the very existence of life itself, transcending entropy and chaos.

Someone’s Journey.


I’d like to work on some imagery that captures these ideas but also pays homage to Douglas Adam’s “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Universe” in which the answer to life, the universe, and all that, is “42” and the gag is that the more important premise is the question. I read that as a kid and it had a big impact on me, and I think in a very real way, speaks to my interpretation of the meaning of life being rooted in the fundamental nature of the question. Any thoughts on potential directions to take this, artistically? Or other suggestions / observations in general?


For the art piece, you can consider depicting the idea of the “question” being the central focus, with the number “42” appearing as a playful nod to Douglas Adams’ “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Universe”. The image could show a person looking up at a giant question mark, representing the quest for meaning in life. The question mark could be surrounded by elements of nature, such as trees, mountains, and animals, representing the idea that life itself is the meaning and that it is a part of the natural world. The color palette could be bright and vibrant, representing the energy and excitement of the journey to find the answer. To further emphasize the idea of the question being more important than the answer, the number 42 could be incorporated into the design in a subtle and abstract way, rather than being the focus of the image.

chatGPT’s answer, perhaps.


I like the idea of the question mark. I think, upon reflection, I’d like to try to develop a piece without a person in it at all, as a lot of my work has featured a person. I like the idea of the question being the central character, with perhaps 42 being portrayed as a kind of thought bubble of the question mark? What do you think of that?


How about featuring the question mark as the central character, and showcasing its journey through the universe, representing the quest for the meaning of life? The number 42 could be incorporated as an integral part of this journey, acting as a guide or signpost along the way. The visual style could be inspired by the whimsical and absurd universe of “The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Universe”, with fantastical landscapes, absurd creatures, and unexpected twists and turns. The composition could be dynamic, with the question mark appearing to move through the frame, with stars and other celestial objects streaking by in the background to suggest its journey through space. The color palette could be bright and playful, with an emphasis on bold, contrasting hues that pop against the cosmic landscape.


Love it, gonna give that exact prompt a shot.


Sounds great! I’m excited to see how your artwork turns out. Don’t hesitate to ask me for additional ideas or suggestions if you need them. Good luck with your creation!

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Tony Rungee

Analyst, Writer, Poet. Aspiring Techno Wizard. Follow me on twitter, @TonyRungee