Meet the Collage Artist: Naomi of Boundless Wave

Naomi (aka Boundless Wave & Sea Is Medicine) is an analog collage artist and photographer creating ethereal and poetic imagery for over thirty years. Her background in experimental film and fine art take her to the the ocean in all of her work, with interwoven themes of surfing, poetry, nature, and the human spirit. She currently lives in Mexico.

Naomi AKA Boundless Wave / Sea Is Medicine — Art used with artist permission

What drew you to collage as an art form?

Collage is a way of speaking in imagery that I can’t access in any other medium. There is something about the sense of peace and contentment from controlling a bunch of random pieces that starts as chaos then becomes a harmonious design with new meaning. It was probably therapy. A way to control things in a contained safe manner that wasn’t accessible in outer life.

What are 3 words to describe your work?

Poetic — Words, wordplay, mantras and affirmations are always part of my collage work. I like to convey a mood or raise a question to inspire the viewer. It takes my work into another level and adds deeper meaning.

Ethereal — The mystery of life, nature and the human spirit intrigue me. For me the unknown is a fantastical place where all things are possible. Adding a dreamy quality or spiritual sense is important.

Playful — Everything I make is a celebration. It comes from the heart and an authentic inner place of seeking. The wish to connect and interact is always present.

Collage is a way of speaking in imagery that I can’t access in any other medium. There is something about the sense of peace and contentment from controlling a bunch of random pieces that starts as chaos then becomes a harmonious design with new meaning.

Where do you get your inspiration?

Life, nature, beauty, the imagination have always been an inspiration for me, and the ocean is probably the biggest Seaspiration.

What are you most proud of in your collage accomplishments and/or the collage community?

Making connections and friends with other amazing artists all over the world. Being part of the online Twitter community of artists. Becoming an NFT artist with the opportunity to mint on Foundation and Makers Place. I’m excited about bringing Seaspiration and uniqueness to the NFT space.

Who are your biggest influences in collage?

When I was younger the influence came from my peers and well-known artists like Man Ray. Now I am less influenced by others, although I try to keep up with technology and know what my peers are up to.

You are also an NFT artist. Do you think collage is gaining traction in the marketplace?

Yes, I think collage is gaining traction. I would want to invest in established and emerging artists that regularly create new work, are engaged with the community and create work that has potential to increase in value. Also some collectors will look for pieces or artists they connect with and truly adore.

People would be surprised if they knew this about you:

Was super shy, insecure, and hated myself as a kid. Didn’t learn how to drive until I was 25. I don’t have a colon and live with an ileostomy pouch.

Do you use digital methods with your analog collage?

I’m always experimenting. On devices I use Storyz, Plotaverse and Photoleap. For digitizing and animation it’s a bit of Adobe Photoshop and Lighroom.

How do you find for your assets?

Lately it’s been magazines and what my intuition gravitates to. I used to save all kinds of papers, candy wrappers, packages, vintage periodicals, paper garbage, everything. Try to keep it minimal now and enjoy using themes as boundaries or niches.

Any words of wisdom to share?

Life has been an incredible gift and experience. It is also short and fleeting so do your best to enjoy as much as you can, learn to listen to your soul, speak your truth, and create from the heart.

Do you have anything currently in the works?

I recently completed a two-piece collab with Arbel Ratzin, and have another collab in the works with a wave photographer. And a collection of animated collages on Makers Place and surf collages on Foundation.

Naomi and her works can be found here.



Lisa McKenna | Running With Scissors

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