#SolutionsJournalism: How I reported drive-through COVID-19 testing in two continents — from home

Ruona J. Meyer
4 min readApr 7, 2020


I’ve always had a solutions-journalism approach to my reporting; I was lucky to be taught by a senior colleague that facts are never good or bad — it is the withholding of all facts, or providing one fact but not its context that is bad journalism.

In 2011 Agnieszka Flak (yes, I name my helpers) told me something along the lines of: it doesn’t matter if a proven fact, data or statistic is for or against anyone in your story. Your job is to provide as many relevant facts as possible.

For example, when I was reporting on Sweet Sweet Codeine, we saw patients chained.

It would be easier to report only that, but we also had to provide another fact — the facility was understaffed, underfunded and most patients were violent, which led the management to think the solution would be to chain them to prevent destruction of the facility, especially at the weekends.

Highlighting both sides of a situation will usually bring trolling and abuse, but that should never be the journalist’s concern.

Our job is to strive to present a full, fact-backed picture and…exit the building.

But things are different with Coronavirus, because it’s a pandemic, playing out in various ways in various countries, as governments battle a common, still-unknown enemy.

Are there ways to report solutions? Yes, and there are clear guidelines to help you, from the Solutions Journalism Network (SJN) which notes:

Solutions Journalism Network definition of Solutions Journalism

So on 26 March, I attended a webinar by the SJN, specifically on how to report COVID-19. It was so beneficial that less than a week later, I wrote this story:

Mobile Drive-through Coronavirus Testing: Lessons for Nigeria from Germany

This is a summary of what I learnt at the webinar and how I applied it, to be able to report on Germany and Nigeria, all from my home.

1. Pick an angle

One of the first things I picked up quickly in the seminar was: stick to your area of expertise and use that as a strength, to report on how COVID-19 is unfolding. Apart from ties to Nigeria and Germany, my first degree was in Microbiology, so I relied on these to find a relevant angle, and decided on Drive-through testing, as this is being adopted worldwide. The SJN even has a selection of questions to ask yourself as you streamline the focus of your story — and this is where I started.

2. Context is non-negotiable

It is necessary to draw parallels from other countries, varied sources, etc., because the very nature of COVID — from its spread to common consequences — is interconnected, no matter where we are. People, systems and markets are all trying to survive and learning about challenges, limitations and solutions from each other is key. I therefore decided to speak to authorities in Germany, as they were early adopters of drive-through testing, as well as in Lagos, which has just begun pioneering it in West Africa.

3. Use “spontaneous” coverage for verification

The biggest challenge of COVID-19 is social distancing, and the question-and-answer segment of the webinar was where the panellists advised us to try using video calls to verify locations. What I therefore did was spontaneously call my sources, and let them give me tours as safely as possible and capture images at the same time. This allowed me to independently view the testing location and gave me the ability to describe what I saw, in my article. For Germany, I asked for, and got official, royalty-free images for purposes of comparison.

4. Present information in other ways

Solutions Journalism doesn’t have to be in text form only, we were told — there is a framework called W.HO.L.E which we were given during the seminar. I utilised this to come up with graphics for my story, one of which is shared here. My main goal was to insert the images to break up text in the story, but also for use on Twitter. Below is one of five images.

5. The science changes — update till the last minute

COVID-19 is a medical story that changes based on advances in research, deaths or demographics so whatever angle you take, you will likely have to deal with updated facts, figures and data. As you are the custodian of information on behalf of the public, it is best to continually update your story in these aspects as much as possible. If you do not understand a scientific process or term, it is usually best to ask experts to explain in easier terms. When they do, immediately repeat what you understand back to them, so they can let you know if you got it right.

The webinar I attended was called Solutions Journalism 101: Covering the Coronavirus Outbreak and later shared as a Youtube video.

You can enrol for other Solutions Journalism Network webinars, sign up to be a member of the Network, and also see close to 200 stories where journalists worldwide are using a solutions approach to report different aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Got extra questions? Tweet them to me on @RGAMeyer.

Hope this helps you, and please stay safe!

