Building Serverless Apps Using Stackery

Rupak Ganguly
9 min readSep 27, 2018

This is a multi-part blog series that will explore building a serverless application with Stackery. In this post, the first part in the series, we discuss why Stackery is a great platform for visually building and deploying serverless applications on AWS. We will also look at setting up Stackery, linking an AWS account securely with least privileges, and using a boilerplate template to build and deploy a serverless application to AWS.

In the second part of the series, I will walk you through and show you how to build a serverless application to extract a frame from a video file using AWS Fargate, but built using Stackery.

Why Stackery?

Stackery is a complete serverless toolkit and platform for building production-ready serverless applications. It combines the ease and intuitiveness of visually composing an application (Stackery Console) to using the command line (Stackery CLI) to get things done quickly. The platform keeps all the operations in sync at all times so you can choose to switch at any time. It comes with seamless Github integration and allows linking to multiple AWS accounts for easy one-click deployments across environments, stages, and regions. Stackery’s automated build process includes environment management, automatic error handling, and auto-provisioning DNS and SSL certificates without needing to open AWS. Stackery supports Python, Node.js, Java, and .Net/C# giving you a wide variety of choices. Stackery is built on cloud-native standards and builds on AWS



Rupak Ganguly

Thought leader, serverless & cloud technology advocate, problem solver, API Aficionado, enterprise architect with hands-on industry experience.