Why every small business needs SEO?

Rupal Tank
3 min readJul 28, 2020

We all know that each and every small business are spending alloy of more of their marketing resources on social media as compared to SEO. Therefore posting on best social media trends is considered a fun, easy, and delivers the near-instant feedback and it is helpful to drive the short term results. SEO, on the other hand, isn’t flashy and can take a while to deliver results.

A good SEO program can grow your business in ways that social media can’t, so you need both to have a truly effective marketing program. Basic SEO isn’t especially complicated or hard to learn. And with the big shift to online shopping, SEO can make the difference between being found by new customers or losing out to more SEO-savvy competitors.

So do you think that how do you build an SEO program for your business?

First, know how your customers love to shop

To understand how and when SEO and social media help you connect with customers, it’s important to understand how your customers decide to buy the kinds of things you offer. Typically, customers move through three very general stages when they’re shopping.

Awareness: Awareness can happen in a couple of ways. One is becoming aware of an existing problem. For instance, your customer’s coffee maker breaks, and they know they need another one right away. Another type of awareness is learning about an appealing product. For example, your customer sees a handbag with a picture of a vampire pug on it and they want it.

Research: Even for impulse purchases, you can assume your customers are doing their homework. Way back in 2018, even before we were all spending so much time online, 88% of consumers researched purchases before buying. Research can mean seeking out the best coffeemakers with timers, or it can mean checking the reviews of an online store before buying a vampire pug handbag from them.

Purchase: Once your customer feels satisfied that they’ve got the best product, price and merchant, they’ll buy.

Want to know the basics of SEO

SEO is considered as the best way that makes it easy for people to find your business online by appearing as high as possible in search results.

The basics of SEO include:

Keywords: Check your Google Analytics dashboard to see which keywords your customers use to find you.

Content: All the words and media on your site. You can also know about content marketing. All of it should center on keywords your customers use and have relevant tags and headings.

Headings: parts of your webpages and blog posts that search engines scan for information. For example, “Get to know the basics of SEO” is a level 2 header that explains to a search bot what this section is about. Use keywords to make your headings relevant.

URLs: At a minimum, your URLs should indicate what each page on your site

Metadata and tags: web-designing-company keyword labels on your content that tell search bots what’s on your site.



Rupal Tank

Hey there! I'm Rupal Tank, a content writer who loves playing with words. Imagine your ideas turning into stories everyone wants to read that's what I do best!