Rupaya Community Update — July 23, 2018

4 min readJul 24, 2018

This update is the kickoff for a series of more regular updates about Rupaya. We’ll be posting smaller updates weekly, slightly bigger ones monthly, and full roundups quarterly. With this update we’ll share details about the work that’s been going on behind the scenes—and tease a couple new releases.

The Rupaya Team is committed to make a difference in South Asia, our work and dedication will have a positive and lasting change for the people of the region. — Mobay, Rupaya Founder

Project Development

Roadmap Updates

Our current roadmap has served us well and put Rupaya on a great path for success. However, every great plan needs to be adjusted from time to time. Over the past several months there have been been momentous changes that have reverberated across the entire cryptocurrency space, and the time has come to freshen up our roadmap with new goals and even stronger objectives. Our entire team has been working tirelessly on updates and improvements.

Planned Codebase Hardfork

We’re working on the next generation of the Rupaya codebase, which will enable us to bring key parts of the roadmap to market much faster. These changes will necessitate both a hardfork and coin swap. The swap will be a straight 1:1 exchange from the old chain to the new one.

More details and a full schedule for the swap will be announced as we get closer to the official code release date.

New Wallet Interface and…

We wanted to give you a behind the scenes look at how our brand new wallet design is shaping up. If you’re paying close attention, you may notice one other little goody on this screen as well.

Mockup of the new Rupaya QT wallet design.

Rupaya Rebranding

Just in case you missed it. We’ve been working on developing an all new logo branding system. The current Rupaya wheel logo will be replaced by a fresh, modern logo and branding system. More details about this change will be posted in an upcoming article.

Team Highlights

Over the next few weeks we’ll highlight and introduce members of the Rupaya team. For this week’s installation we’d like to introduce a couple newer members of the core Rupaya team.

We’d like to announce that Martin (Martin#1709 on Discord), developer of Liberty Coin, has joined Rupaya as the latest member of our core development team. Martin has years of experience in software development and is a fantastic addition to our team.

Kevin Maloney (tooshameless239#8004 on Discord) is an IT professional with 15+ years of experience ranging from development to infrastructure systems and holds a bachelors in Computer Information Systems. Kevin is responsible for the Rupaya team management, overall website and masternode enhancements, with additional development tasks as needed.

Governance Proposals

There was only one active proposal listed for this past voting period. The one proposal was designed to reward Masternode Owners who participate in community voting.

The Rupaya team will be releasing proposals over upcoming governance cycles to aimed at funding core development and marketing work, as well as to build an internal fund for a major exchange listing.

We’re also always looking for new governance proposal ideas from the community that will make our platform and project stronger and more vibrant. Visit the Governance Portal on Github to create or view community based governance proposals.


As the team began to explore several large initiatives, we slowed down the main marketing push in order to retain the funds needed to support those upcoming rollouts. This actually served to keep coin inflation in check since no additional governance funds for marketing expenses were requested in June or July, as was originally planned.


  • 1,793 Users (1,675 active within last 30 days)
  • Launched the Rupaya Raffle

Rupaya Raffle

This past month saw the launch of our Rupaya Raffle. Available exclusively on our Discord channel, and purely for community fun, participants are able to purchase raffle tickets (one ticket costs 1 RUPX) and 100% of the raffle pot is distributed across first, second, and third places.

Social Media

This past month Rupaya was included in the Crypto Hobbit #MasternodeMeBro Tournament in partnership with Omni Analytics Group and Brian D Colwell through a fantastic community effort we completely dominated our assigned opponent Social Send.

Our community votes were the highest of any masternode project in the first round.

Not only did our community handily beat our slated opponent, we out voted any other project that was competing. Round 2 of the competition just wrapped up so we know we’ll be facing LINDA coin in the 3rd round, which starts on July 30, 2018.

Twitter stats by the numbers (July 1–23)

  • 1,468 Followers (up 2.73%)
  • 82.6k Impressions
  • 2,2663 Impressions Per Post
  • 723 Engagements

About Rupaya

Founded in 2014, Rupaya is a native currency exchange, and makes our digital crypto asset RUPX accessible to ordinary users and merchants. Rupaya is governed by a passionate community and a dedicated development team.

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Rupaya is the blockchain payments platform designed for South Asia.