Rupaya Community Update — September 3, 2018

3 min readSep 4, 2018


This weekly community update includes a reminder about all the new things launching on October 1, flags the hard fork and collateral change, a new Press section, details on marketing progress, contest overviews, and more.

Community News

New Shared Masternode Host Listings

We know that not everyone will have the technical skill, or the desire, to manually set up and host their own masternodes. That’s why we’re happy to announce two more masternode hosting services have added Rupaya.

  • Rupaya is on the GIN Platform, in their Tier 2 category
  • Rupaya is on NodeStop, with their one-click masternode hosting service

As with all service providers, be sure to do your own research and understand all fees and risks before choosing the solution that is right for you.

Mass Adoption Twitter Poll

This past week we asked, in a highly unscientific Twitter poll, which two countries in South Asia you believe will be the first to achieve mass adoption of Rupaya.

The Results: India took top honors, Pakistan came in second, and Maldives was a very distant third place.

It would be easy to dismiss these results as simply an representation of population size. However, it is possible that the results hint at a deeper sentiment. There was quite a bit of positive news regarding India’s increasing openness to blockchain that came out this week. Coupled with leadership changes in Pakistan, and Maldives becoming more directly connected to the world, there is a strong foundation for these choices.

Project Development

One Day, Lots of Updates

The team has been working extremely hard on a whole set of significant updates for Rupaya that will all be launching on October 1, 2018. Here’s the rundown of what you should be watching for:

  • New Rupaya logo and brand identity
  • Project hard fork to Rupaya 5.0
  • Masternode collateral increase
  • All new wallet UI design
  • Completely refreshed, and easier to use, documentation portal
  • New website design

Hard Fork and Collateral Change Reminder

It was mentioned above, but is worth repeating again. The upcoming hard fork will happen on October 1st, 2018. On that date the required collateral for a Rupaya masternode will double. Starting with the hard fork masternode collateral will be 20k RUPX.

For masternode owners wishing to keep the same number of active nodes, please be sure to secure any additional coins prior to that date.


Rupaya In The News

This past week Rupaya had several mentions in the news. These were mainly related to our participation in the ongoing MasternodeMeBro18 competition.


MastnodeMeBro18 Competition

Rupaya remains virtually tied with Bulwark Coin. This round lasts until Sunday, September 23rd 2018 at 12:00pm MST.

👉 Go vote now! 👈

Remember, the competition only allows one vote per IP address. So if you work in a multi-machine environment or attend university, you may want to vote from home to ensure your vote counts.

Discord Update

  • 1,774 total users (
  • 1,733 active users within last 30 days

Twitter Update

  • 1,563 total followers (+21 in the past week)

About Rupaya

Founded in 2014, Rupaya is the cryptocurrency of south Asia. Our digital crypto asset RUPX is accessible to ordinary users and merchants. Rupaya is governed by a passionate community and a dedicated development team.

Key Links





Rupaya is the blockchain payments platform designed for South Asia.