Valuable Ways Authors Can Use Goodreads To Their Advantage

Emiie Rabitoy
5 min readApr 12, 2019
Photo courtesy of Pexels

Goodreads is a platform many authors don’t immediately think of when it comes to creating social media accounts, but it is an important one. Though Goodreads isn’t as user-friendly as Facebook, or as large as Instagram, it is incredibly helpful for authors. As an author, when it comes to utilizing Goodreads your options are virtually limitless. You can use to it engage and keep up with readers. Goodreads also gives an author the option of joining or creating groups, which can be an asset in many ways. Another great way to gain attention on Goodreads has lots to do with your author website and blog. By far my favorite Goodreads feature as both a reader and an author assistant is the quotes feature. It opens many doors, for both groups. Goodreads can be a bit difficult to navigate, so I’ve taken the time to highlight the important parts of Goodreads, that I really enjoy, or recommend that authors use.

Using Goodreads to Network with Readers

There are many great options to network with readers on Goodreads. There are two important ways you can network with readers on Goodreads. One way is that you have an author account that has followers, where readers can ask you questions, and read your blog posts. The largest advantage of having a Goodreads author account is how it ensures you have the…



Emiie Rabitoy

Avid reader, social media specialist, former author VA, mother & coffee lover. Writes articles to help authors l, recommend books & share the joy of motherhood