The Next Generation

Rushikesh Sapre
3 min readDec 25, 2021


Artificial intelligence means AI have reached at point where human’s are faster than the old days of artificial intelligence makes the world faster. the way of artificial intelligence represents the the have much easy to do critical work .artificial intelligence have lot of portfolios like robotics machine learning.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a ability where robot or a computer make a control to do a task. they are also made by humans because they require humans intelligence and humans control.

Artificial intelligence (AI) includes advanced web search engines like google. Understanding the human speech like Siri, Alexa and other hand example is like automated self driven tesla car. artificial intelligence(AI) works easier and faster. the next generation mostly uses this kind of AI methods to do a tasks.

Artificial intelligence(AI) was founded 1956. The next generation of network will able to sense , compute and learn the AI methods to do or manage the on going explosion of data. The artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role in automation, managing work and distributed system in real time.

Geoffrey Hinton is a most famous leader in AI. Hinton is a cognitive psychologist and a computer scientist who is most known for his work on artificial neural networks.

Here are some future technologies to be enabled by artificial intelligence (AI).

  • AI assistants.
  • AI-based medical diagnosis.
  • Autonomous payments.
  • Autonomous vehicles.
  • Bionic organs.
  • Conversational agents.
  • Smart cities.
  • Smart dust.
  • 🔘 Advantages of Artificial Intelligence :

1. Reduction in humans physical work.

While working in physical work humans mistakes are probably high hence artificial intelligence doesn’t make any mistakes because computer already programmed of that work so probably does not make any queries.

2.Risk ability is more than human work.

This is a biggest achievement of Artificial Intelligence . we can manage or solve many risky limitations by well programmed robot.

3. 24 x7 time availability.

the human works 8 hours in a day , while Artificial Intelligence works 24 hours or not taking any break.

4. Fast decision making capacity.

Artificial Intelligence makes quick and rapid decision over humans. Humans make decision by emotionally and practically but AI does not take any much time to take quick actions and delivers faster results.

5. Day to day applications.

Day to day applications like Siri Alexa and google are most AI developed applications were used to get easy work.

6. New design and development.

AI power used to solve many complex problems.

🔘 Disadvantages of AI :

1.High cost

AI is high costly to get for work in day to day life . day to day update is must necessary for AI ,hence the updating cost and maintenance is more high costing material.

2. Humans are lazy to do work.

Programmed AI machines and automated systems are highly generated for work so the once program was doe then humans are not in touch with work progress. so they became more lazy to do work.

3. Employments are less.

when AI works faster than humans hence automatically physical attachments are less so the company do not get any fresher’s for the work. Its easy to pay for AI over employees.

4. No humans connections.

when once you starting the use of AI there is no emotions and attachments for the company or any work for human. AI does not make any bond with humans.

5.lack from out of box thinking.

AI only works with programmed modules so they does not think the way humans think for the work.

