The Internal War

Shannon Rusch
2 min readFeb 21, 2019

I believe that we all have these wars going on inside of us that we fight every day. I’m talking about that internal war between the decisions that we know we need to make to become the person that we know that we are deep down inside of ourselves.

The one that is the very truth of who we are and it scares us to imagine ourselves that way out of the fear that it’s unattainable, because life has beat us up things have happened, terrible things such as tragedy, betrayal, or other circumstances out of our control and these situations create a lenses through which you see the world. We also make BIG mistakes in our life and we don’t want people to know about them out the fear that we will be judged. So we hide and the shame we hide eventually controls our thoughts and decisions basing them out of fear. Or maybe the people around us SUCK and are constantly negative and they have accepted their beating and they want you to join them in misery because we all know misery loves company. Most of the time it is a combination of the three, constantly bombarding our mind pulling and distracting us from the life we wish to attain. The war rages inside and we wander “will I always be this way” “is this as good as it gets”.

The fights and struggles come every day, but when they come, what are we made of? Are we flimsy do we waver at the first sign of struggle; do our reasons and passion go right out the window? Can’t seem to find them today. What if we fail again? What if we give in to the darkness and let ourselves down again? What if you get knocked down, do you quit, on yourself, on family……………or do you fight for the person that you know your are, for the life you know your family deserves!?

Because you have to stay in that fight even when it’s so difficult that all you can focus on is getting through the day. How many of you have you every felt like this before, “I can’t wait for this day to be over with so I can wash my hands of it, and I get a fresh start tomorrow”. Everybody is the truth, including myself.

Win your internal war today, and if you don’t wash your hands of the day and choose to win it tomorrow!

