Men’s Diet: Right vs. Wrong Food Choices at the Supermarket

Dr. Kegel
2 min readDec 10, 2020


Popcorn or Potato Chips?

If you’re looking for snack ideas, should you choose popcorn or potato chips for movie night? Reach for the popcorn, as long as it’s the right kind. Popcorn is loaded with whole-grain fiber and it is better. Just keep it that way by munching on the air-popped variety.

Add garlic salt or herbs to your popcorn to punch up the flavor quotient. Most people in the US do not get enough fiber every day. Add air-popped popcorn as a high-fiber snack.

Granola or Bran Cereal?

Looking for something to eat for breakfast? Choose whole-grain bran cereal instead of sugary Granola, since bran supplies a good amount of fiber and some protein, too.Adding skim milk will make bran cereal a high protein snack.

Ice Cream or Sherbet?

Should you choose ice cream or sherbet to cool off on a hot summer day? Make it a sherbet. You can enjoy the same amount of sherbet for less than 50 percent of the calories found in the same serving size of ice cream. Sorbet, frozen yogurt, and light ice cream are other better snack ideas that are better for you fat and calorie wise compared to traditional ice cream.

Topping Your Pizza

Traditional pizza piled high with cheese, sausage, and pepperoni is high in, calories, and salt. But you can prepare it healthier. Top your pizza with a sprinkle of a soy-based cheese substitute. Use veggies as toppings instead of sausage and pepperoni to up the flavor. Garlic, bell peppers, olives, spinach, tomatoes, artichokes, zucchini, red onion, tomatoes, eggplant, and basil are a few options. Limit your potion to one or two slices to avoid going overboard on the carbs from the pizza crust.

Fruit Juice or Fruit Punch?

When you’re thirsty, should you reach for fruit punch or good ol’ OJ? Pick the 100% natural orange juice, please. Fruit drinks are often laden with sugar and may have little to no fruit in them. This makes them high in carbs and devoid of any nutritional value. Pour yourself a serving of 100% fruit juice instead. Whole fruits provide you with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that fight inflammation. You can even make smoothies with fruit and veggies at home using a good blender. It’s an easy way to increase your fruit and vegetable intake without a lot of effort.

