Ruslan Synytsky
1 min readSep 13, 2020


Hi Komal, thank you for sharing your experience! It's definitely useful.

A group of people from Java community is improving JVM in terms of memory usage efficiency and its elasticity. We have achieved a quite good progress. You can find specific details in the following presentation "State of Java Elasticity. Tuning Java Efficiency"

I'm involved in additional research related to this issue. We collect statistic from real world java apps. It will help the community to get a better understanding of the memory waste at different use cases.

Is it possible to get details on Java heap and non-heap memory usage inside your Java instances? Please let me know if you are willing to collaborate, I will explain what metrics we collect and how to collect them automatically from multiple instances.

As a good bonus you will find out hidden memory waste points that are not obvious at the moment. It may unlock additional options for resource usage optimisation and reduce the cost of the infrastructure.

