X-Ray Markers Can Achieve More Than Keeping Images Correctly Oriented

Jose Proffitt
2 min readNov 18, 2017


Just about every radiographer today needs to have a set of X-ray markers ready at all times. Marking X-ray images with location details and other information is an important way of ensuring that mistakes will not be made, as well as of maintaining accountability.

In the past, it often used to be difficult to acquire even such essential tools. Today, all that it typically takes is a visit to a site like kempermedical.com, where many interesting products await shoppers.

Going Beyond the Basics with More Distinctive and Fully Featured X-Ray Markers

The average X-ray marker used to be a simple affair consisting of nothing more than a bit of appropriately shaped lead and a backing. Buyers today have many more options to look into, including:

Full Left and Right labels. Many radiographers and doctors are used to markers that inscribe only a simple L or R on images. While this can prove to be sufficient, markers that fully spell out the relevant details can be even more convenient to use and rely on. As with abbreviated markers, these are typically produced with a red backing for the right side and a blue one for the left.

Specially shaped markers. In many hospitals, a number of radiographers will be working in the same areas concurrently. If each specialist has their own distinctively shaped set of markers, confusion about ownership and other problems become a lot more likely.

Personalization. In quite a few clinics and hospitals today, radiographers are expected to ensure that more information will be imprinted on each image they make. Many organizations, for example, require that each technician adds their initials to every X-ray in to make it easier to associate the work with a particular individual afterward. Markers that can be personalized to include this information can make work a lot easier.

Easy Access to an Inevitably Important Tool

All that it will normally take today to explore these possibilities and others will be to visit a website like kempermedical.com. A number of suppliers do everything possible to ensure that radiographers and their patients will always be able to count on access to the full range of options.

