Russel Fernandes
1 min readAug 24, 2017


You certainly don’t HAVE TO. As in there is no compulsion to.

But understanding that except in the most extreme of situations, family is pretty much all you really have. Hence the importance of working to preserve the bonds within. And sure, these working relationships are not easy.

It is also the reason we’re here today — survived 200,000 years of evolution and a nomadic existence. Family and from it a larger community, that’s pretty much it. Governments understand this which is why marriage and the family unit is offered incentives. Divorce and split family is frowned upon and disincentivized.

Some benefits are obvious, example: family is also obligated to offer you a kidney should you require one someday, quite likely your best friend and/or lover will offer symbolic support, but effectively walk away from providing that.

So you offer an ostensibly rebellious, but overall very shallow analysis in my opinion.

