Published inTowards Data ScienceWhy are eye movements so damned interesting?“Saccades” are the jerks that have fascinated scientists and philosophers for 2000 years.Sep 7, 20202Sep 7, 20202
The Guy Who Freed the Slaves Ahead of ScheduleExplorer, soldier, and presidential candidate, John C. Fremont had a talent for doing the right things at the wrong time.Jul 23, 20201Jul 23, 20201
Published inTowards Data ScienceI Don’t Believe in Electrons — The SequelHang onto your foil helmets … It’s fan appreciation dayMar 18, 20205Mar 18, 20205
Published inTowards Data ScienceFighting the Cold War from Huntington BeachData Science, Fake News, Russians…all that stuffMar 8, 2020Mar 8, 2020
Published inThe Blue Collar ScientistThe Warm Dead (Part 3/3)Link to beginning: 6, 2020Mar 6, 2020
Published inThe Blue Collar ScientistThe Warm Dead (Part 2/3)Link to Part 1: 6, 2020Mar 6, 2020
Published inThe Blue Collar ScientistThe Warm Dead (Part 1/3)The Warm Dead can see us, interact with us, without consequences. They remember their lives, but are no longer animated. They want to talk…Mar 6, 2020Mar 6, 2020
Published inThe Blue Collar ScientistThe Protein Wind (Part1/3)Protein winds blast the Earth, changing daily, triggering symptoms, visions, mass hallucinations. Are we being invaded or lectured?Mar 2, 2020Mar 2, 2020
Published inThe Blue Collar ScientistThe Protein Wind (Chapter 8–12)Chapter 8: SightFeb 29, 2020Feb 29, 2020
Published inThe Blue Collar ScientistThe Protein Wind (Chapters 4–7)Chapter 4: Taste (San Francisco)Feb 29, 20201Feb 29, 20201