What’s missing from your social strategy for 2017?

Russell Barnard
ART + marketing
Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2016

After reflecting on 2016 it’s time to look over plans for next year. In this post I’ll outline some tips for creating a solid social strategy for 2017! 🤗

Part 1: Target Demographic

When putting a plan together it is vital to think of who you want to target even if you have done this before it is so important.

Try to be as specific as possible, what platforms do they visit, see below.

It is important to bear in mind that you want to know the target demographic for the type of content to create rather than where to post it.

Credit: http://www.businessinsider.com/update-a-breakdown-of-the-demographics-for-each-of-the-different-social-networks-2015-6

Part 2: Platforms & Media

The next step is to select the platforms you want to focus on, whilst it helps to “be everywhere” there is only so much time, so it’s best to pick at least 3 platforms to can stay consistent with.

Consistency is one of the most important elements to any strategy especially when you are just getting started.

Make sure at least one of the platforms is video focused - Snapchat (or Instagram) stories are a great option. Stories are great to show behind the scenes of your business or to give tips & advice really giving credibility. Think of it as the key points from a blog post spoken in 10 second clips, it keeps the videos short and engaging.

Example: Snapchat Stories, Medium Posts, Instagram (more in each platform near the end 😉)

Part 3: Schedule

As mentioned above consistency is very important, just like the way your favourite tv shows are on at the same time each week. There are plenty of tools like Buffer than can save you time & help you stick to a schedule.

Some platforms like you to post regularly (2–3 times a day) other longer forms of content like blog posts / YouTube videos can work best weekly or even monthly in some cases.

Part 4: Goals & Metrics

Make sure you have a clear goal and some type of metrics you want to track. When it comes to metrics don’t get caught up in “follower” counts but look for engagement, how many people are interacting with your content. As these are the ones most likely to return and become clients if that is your goal.

The two need to be linked in a way that if the metrics are going well you will have a strong chance of reaching your goal. Simple. 🎉

Part 5: Start Now

Right now, the biggest reason for failure is simply not starting. Even just start planning on a Google Sheet will do, make yourself accountable & comment below.

The most important take away is to make sure 100% that, you create some form of video content, Snapchat makes this super easy with stories.

The most important take away is to make sure 100% that, you create some form of video content, Snapchat makes this super easy with stories.

Extra: Platform Details

Snapchat / Instagram Stories: Short video clips and photos shown in the order they were created. By using stories you can take advantage of Snappd to embed them into your website & increase engagement over time, like a blog post! Be prepared to take time to grow.

Helpful links: Check out Suzanne Nguyen’s Snapchat Marketing course, Ghostcodes & Snappd

Traffic: in long and short term

Medium: One of the best ways to blog, ensures your content looks gorgeous & helps you surface your content to relevant readers over time. Don’t expect results right away.

Traffic: in long term

Instagram: Is a great way to quickly grow a following (don’t trust the numbers because 🤖) use a combination of apps like Splasher & Color Cap to find high quality photos and add text. Ideally post everyday no more than twice. Ultimately it’s a hashtag game so take time to research and find the right ones.

Helpful links Grum (Paid) FocalMark (Basic Hashtag help, lots of others too)

Traffic: in long and short term

Are you a storyteller! I’m starting a podcast exploring what makes an engaging story. Would you like to be involved? Reach out (Twitter @russellbarnard or russell@snappd.tv) — Find out more here

I’m co founder of Snappd we are creating the home of vertical video coming soon to iOS. You should use us to embed your stories 😉

