Russell LaCour
2 min readJun 2, 2020

How can you be silent?

How can you be silent while the world is on fire?

How can you be silent when they harm your brothers and sisters?

How can you be silent?

In a world set ablaze by the color of someone’s skin it makes me sad that I must even write something like this.

But how could I be silent?

When the world is on fire and my human brothers and sisters are harmed because others believe they are better than them… how could I be silent?

I will not be silent, not when the powers that be, wish to control my brothers and sisters. When they seek to divide us by color and class.

How could I be silent?

We share this planet, and we share the light of consciousness that pervades through us all.

We are one people.

We are one family.

Black lives matter.

When I look out at the world today I see something truly broken, it has been broken for a long time… but right now everyone can see it.

How could we be silent?

Our Leaders. Broken.

Our Money. Broken.

Our Police. Broken.

Our Media. Broken

In order for our world to prosper and for us to live together without prejudice we must unite against our common enemy.

Power, and those who control it.

We have a Voice today, the whole world is listening. We must unite and come up with the changes that we the people want. We must demand them, and we must not stop until we get them.

We the people have the power, and we always have. Don’t let the government try to scare you out of your basic human rights.

Now is the time. If you have a voice you must use it.

Speak out against violence.

Speak out against injustice.

Speak out against inequality.

We cannot be silent.