Part 2: Flaky or Polite

What we can do to make it better

Russell L. Brand
Fit Yourself Club


In an earlier article I asked about why people don’t follow up more often. Whether it was that they were Flaky at follow up or whether they were being Polite when they were talking to me and I was being pushy in making offers.

After reading Charle M’s response about Chris Faylek’s work, I am thinking that it is Polite more often than I thought.

I am receiving above a 98% response rate when people are doing something to help me versus only a 20% response rate when it would be me doing something for them.

I continually find that 98% rate reassuring about the kindness of our world.

So is 98% vs 20% preselection? Kinder people are less flaky?

Is it that the motivation to help others, is stronger than the motivation to help one’s self?

Or is it simply that I am much better at asking for things than I am at understanding what people want?

I am now wondering why the 80% don’t take the time to write the follow up “I’ve changed my mind, but thank you anyway” note. Perhaps they have rightly decided that given my level of misunderstanding their needs, they should write me off sooner rather than later.

There is now a follow up article: Turn About Is Fair Play — Temptation to Flake.



Russell L. Brand
Fit Yourself Club

Advancing Knowledge and Truth … … … … … … … Fostering Kindness and Compassion … … … … …Promoting Adoption of Useful Ideas & Technologies.