Official Russian TV’s singing genitals

Russian Memes United
2 min readFeb 20, 2019


On my Twitter I posted a couple memes with Dr. Elena Malysheva, the regular host of the Russian TV-show about health and body «Жить здорово!» (a pun: “Live healthy/cool!” ). It was created as a serious educational show. Its target audience is elderly people and whoever still watches TV these times.

“It’s normal!” is Elena’s catch phrase

The most remarkable feature of the show is its unconventional sketches, sometimes even musical ones, performed by various “body organs”. They have long been legends of the Russian Internet, leading to creation of a huge amount of memes. The most famous are the song of the testicles…

В жизни мы парные, словно близнецы,
For life we are paired, like twins
будут парни гарные, а потом отцы,
Hot will be the lads, then becoming fathers
гладкие и ровные я и даже он,
We are smooth and even, me and even him
выделяем скромно мы весь тестостерон.
humbly are producing all the testosterone.

Два крыла да с птичками
Two wings with birdies,
Птички в небо вжик.
The birdies zing into the sky.
Если ты с яичками
If you have testicles
Значит ты мужик
It means you’re a man.

… and vagina slide.

“My life”; “Vagina”

But a week ago we were blessed with yet another equally epic performance. This time it is a dancing-singing womb.

А во мне человечек поместится
I can fit a tiny human in
Хоть не верится в это сейчас
Even if it seems unbelievable now
Но за 9 счастливейших месяцев
But during these happiest 9 months
Я могу вырастать в 10 раз
I can grow 10 times bigger
И пускай я обычная матка
And even though I am but an ordinary womb
Правду матку всегда я рублю
I always call a cat a cat
А себе говорю очень кратко
I tell about myself in a few words
Я детей бесконечно люблю
I love children to the moon and back
В наступающем году
In the coming year
Я желаю от души
From the bottom of my heart I wish
Чтоб рождались малыши
That babies being born
Здоровее всех в роду
Are the healthiest in the line

Spend some time to find any episode of this brilliant TV-show on YouTube. What we perceive as avant-garde and psychedelic in Russia is considered commonplace. Enjoy!

