Cookies are just not for eating

Russell Smith
2 min readAug 22, 2023


Objective: Using cookies create a more realistic lighting look for my scene

Cookies specifically light cookies in Unity are an awesome way to add some realism to your light sources. The example I’m going to show is taking a spotlight and giving it that flashlight effect.

So I’ll start with putting a new spotlight in my scene.

Next I want to bring in my cookie, again not the eating kind, this one looks far less tastier.

Next I need to make the cookie a cookie. In the Inspector view I change the texture type to cookie, make sure the light type is a spotlight as that’s the light source it will be applied to. Change my alpha source to grayscale and make sure “Alpha is Transparency” is ticked. Once I have that all set I hit the apply at the bottom.

Back on my spotlight I drop the cookie in to the spot where it says cookie. A little warning comes up but we hit fix to that.

And if we go back to our spotlight, you can see how it’s given it that more realism effect and looking more like a flashlight.

