Working with screen space reflections

Russell Smith
2 min readAug 26, 2023


Objective: Setting up a reflection probe to make screen space reflections.

Screen Space reflections come from adding a reflection probe.
In my Hierarchy I hit the add button and find the reflection probe under light.

Turning my gizmo’s and you can see the reflection probe I’ve just added.

Next I want to set my probe type to realtime in the Inspector view. Then I want my box to fill the scene, so easiest way to do this is switch to the top view. Then I want to hit the modify base shape button so I’m able to move it around.

After flipping my view a few times and stretching that box out you can see below we have it pretty well covered.

With this setup I’m starting to get some reflections happening. However to really make this looking even better, in my Inspector I need to tick the Use Influence Volume button.

What makes it so unique as you can see below the reflections of the room in the shiny surfaces as I move through it.

