Net Neutrality, Dakota Pipeline and The Plight of US all.

4 min readJul 13, 2017

Let’s talk about you right now!

Why is that such a good opener?

Well, research has proven that as soon as you mention the word “you” it is influential. Why is this? Because we are all self-serving.

*I originally heard on the Art of Charm podcast that “You” the most influential word. I can not recall the episode, but I did a quick google search and found a website titled “The top ten most powerful words in the English Language Now.” Which reconfirms what Art of Charm discussed.

When we listen to someone speak we are always trying to find an angle which suits our needs, which is why when we drop that “You” word our ears perk up.

In a sense that is all advertising is. Trying to tailor your product to fit into a person’s life.
Weird when you think about it really. How did such vices as cigarettes, soda pop, and alcohol become so prominent in our minds? I remember the days of old, like way back in Myspace age that one of the layouts my friend had was a corporate one. It was a reappearing copyrighted logo of bud light. I myself had a photo of me chugging an empty bottle of Jagermeister.

Then we realize that those vices all have pretty pictures of what happens when you intake those products. I don’t like Corona but think about their marketing/advertising strategy. Beautiful beaches, beautiful people, bikini-clad women, and washboard abs on the dudes.

We are all very assumptive people.

Therefore it is natural to believe if I drink corona’s I’ll get all those things. A nice beach view, a gorgeous lady, and a body that turns heads. Well, when I buy that beer the guaranteed thing I will get is drunk.

The tricksters and the hucksters of vices.

Yesterday was the fight for net neutrality. I am not an expert, but from the chatter on the interwebs, it seems that internet providers (ISP) will have tiered packages for the use of the world wide web.

The more you use the more you will be charged. Or certain websites will only be made available through those packages.

Didn’t the UN just declare internet connection a fundamental right? Or was that India?

While I was writing this my connection became interrupted. I actually had to hardline a ethernet cable into my computer. During that ten minutes, I was increasingly irratiable. Are we all becoming internet junkies? Yup!

What away to profit off of people’s plight. Have them all become addicted then jack up the price and roll in the dough.

Wasn’t that what the CIA did when they introduced crack into the low income neighborhoods of inner cities?

I am just making assumptions. Now.

My internet turned off again.

I am frustrated.

I am angry at the fact I somewhat follow a principle of “Don’t be a dick” but seems like the “Have’s” disregard human decency and acquire currency.

If we translate what currency really means it is freedom.

So with that being said, can freedom be bought? Yes.

Look at the current state of politics with electronic trails of bribery on both sides of the aisle.

I wanted today’s entry to be something of value. However it has become nothing more than accusations and complaints.

No one listens when you complain. Look at the north dakota pipeline. That was the first time in years that the seven native american tribes unified, and protested against the oil line going through their lands. How did that go?

Armed police, k9 units and so on. Was the pipeline abandoned? No. It just took a slight detour and kept on, keeping on.

Much like the good gawd damn complaints about net neutrality, is that really going to change the money hungry corporations minds?




They will do what they always do and commit to their original intentions.

I can see why people disconnect from politics. All it does is frustrate you, and make you feel powerless.



I feel so useless. In the end it doesn’t matter. We are all dead men. It seems that we’ve never left the feudal systems of the middle ages. The illusion of free choice is just that an illusion. We replaced the tyrants of old, with corporate dictators of new.

I am not even a man. I am just a dude spewing thoughts upon the world.

Frustrated yes.

Angry yes.



“As long as men die, liberty shall never perish”- Charlie Chaplin in the Great Dictator.

“Laugh Now, but one day we will be in charge.”-Banksy.

With those words I leave you to go about your day.


Be Bold,

Live Creatively,

Hang Tough.




A writer of futurist stories. Self Improvement Disciple, Dreamtrapreneur, Rephraser of podcast knowledge: